Part 45

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Manon's POV

The storm passes in a couple of days, in which Dorian and I spend discussing certain aspects of our relationship. It is eventually decided that I'll accompany him back to Adarlan, but only for the rest of the pregnancy. I want to be back here as soon as possible. I'll have at least two other witches stationed with me at Adarlan at any one time, so I can keep control of the Witch-Kingdom from afar. I'm not at all happy with this arrangement, but Dorian insists.

Dorian also finds time to tell me about his friend's baby. A boy apparently, who they called Golden. Don't ask me why. According to him, the baby is 'happy and healthy'. 

I'm in the tent, Dorian talking to his human guards, when Bronwen enters. "I want to come to that King's palace," she says, taking me by surprise, though I don't show it.

"No," I reply simply.

"What? Why?" she asks, frowning.

"Because," I say. When she doesn't leave, I sigh irritated, and turn to face her. "I need you here. You're an excellent leader, and I trust you. I need you to keep the witches under control while I'm gone - with Petrah, of course."

She looks thoughtful, as if considering what I said. As if she has a choice on the matter. "Fine," she eventually relents. "But bring a Crochan."

"I will,"  I say. "I'm taking a Crochan and an Ironteeth witch, for your information."

"Fine," she repeats. She turns to go, and I follow her out. 

I pause in front of my tent. I can sense someone behind me, but I don't know where, or who. "One more thing," I say to Bronwen, to stall. "While I'm gone, make sure to keep rebuilding, as it was obviously your fault you stopped in the first place."

She whirls around to face me, anger written on her face, but her eyes widen imperceptibly. It's all the warning I need as I spin around and catch the knife careening toward my back,  by the blade. It cuts into my hand, and blue blood starts flowing from my clenched fist. I throw it up and catch it by the hilt, my grip firm. Witches have stopped to watch me now, and I know exactly who threw it. 

I stalk slowly towards where Liron is hiding. I don't think she's clever enough to have brought more than one knife, but just in case I'm on high alert. I see her crouched behind a tent.

I walk silently to her from behind, and she doesn't even notice. What a useless witch. Without warning, I grab her by the neck, and pin her to the thick fabric of the tent. My iron nails are out, and are piercing into her skin as I grab her throat. She trashes wildly.

"Looking for this?" I hiss, pure anger on my face. Her eyes widen. So everyone can hear, I say, "I warned you, coward. I do not  give second chances." I thrust her knife into her throat.

I turn to face the other witches gaping at me, both Ironteeth and Crochan. I spot Dorian a few feet away, looking horrified. "Let this serve as a warning to you all," I say, stepping away from Liron. She collapses to the floor, already dead. "Ironteeth or Crochan, if anyone tries to kill me, they will die." 

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