Part 43

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I pace nervously, so unlike myself that, when Bronwen comes in to demand why there's a search party going out, she asks if I'm ill.

Around us, I can hear the wind picking up, the rain pounding on the canvas of my tent. Eventually, Marissa, who for some reason stayed, says, "Stop."

I turn to face her. "What."

"Stop it," she orders. "Sit down, and calm down. You're king'll be fine. He has magic, doesn't he?"

"Yes," I say, sitting as she ordered me to.

"And there's a search party out. Stop stressing. It can have negative side effects on the baby."

"Yes, the baby," I say, distracted. I lie back, trying to calm down. "Dorian's baby."

"No, your baby," the young witch corrects. "You're the one that carries it for nine months."#

"Yes," I agree, and even I'm surprised at myself. What is wrong with me?

We stay in silence for what seems like hours, and all I can hear is the storm picking up ferocity, battering the tent. Though I know he'll be fine, I'm still stressing out about Dorian. Though I try to tell myself it's for purely political reasons, I know it isn't.

Eventually, I sit back up. "You can go," I order her. "I'm going to try and sleep."  It's obviously a lie, but she nods, and with a final bow, leaves.

As soon as she's gone, I start pacing again. All that's going through my head is what if, what if, what if. What if Dorian dies? What if the witches don't find him? What if it's my fault? 

The rain gets harder and harder, the wind louder, until it sounds like it's screaming. I forgot to ask Marissa about the pregnancy, I realise after a moment. I sit back down on the bed, my legs aching despite the small amount of exercise I've done today, and cradle my rounded stomach. I might be imagining it, but it seems larger than yesterday. It's definitely growing quickly.

As I examine my stomach, I forget momentarily Dorian. Then I remember the danger, and the worry comes back at full force. Along with it comes a wave of nausea, and I try to keep my stomach down. I can't, and quickly dart out side to vomit outside my tent.

"Manon?" In the rain, I look up, clutching my stomach. I turn around, and am met by sapphire eyes filled with concern. Without thinking, I hug him.

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