Part 16

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When I get to Adarlan, my anger has almost disappeared completely. I seem to have finally found my head, and no longer want to scream in Dorian's face. Although, yelling a little might be nice.

Abraxos and I soar over the rebuilding city. The city guards spot us immediately, the crest on their uniforms shining proudly in the midday sun. Every eye and arrow are upon us as we alight in the massive castle grounds.

I look up at the proudly standing castle. It looks largely the same as I saw it last, but a few wings including a rickety looking turret are being repaired and rebuilt. I identify one of said wings as Dorians room, blasted in from the minor battle with the witches.

When I killed Iskra Yellowleg's second.

Ah well. They're both dead now.

Looking at the castle, a sadness fills me, irrationally profound. I tear my eyes away to focus on the guards now rushing towards me and Abraxos from all directions.

"Surrender your weapons," one of the guards shouts. I refrain from telling him that I don't need weapons. I am one.

As the guards continue to hostilely rush at me, I realise, despite his promise that I would be welcome here, he hasn't told them about me. I don't know why I expected he would. I guess I just thought after his promise before I left he might've warned them. I don't know why it hurts as much as it does. Never mind.

The guards form a tight circle around me, and I smirk evilly at them, willing violence into my eyes. "No thank you," I say, "I don't think I will."

For a moment, the guards all gape at me in shock. I assume they don't get much cheek from woman, especially not ones that fly on wyverns. I start to walk toward them, making as though to slip through their tight ranks. they all spring into action, rushing at me as I laugh. I've been in need of a good fight for days.

I wait until the first guard is right behind me, letting him think I haven't noticed him, before I spin round, iron nails and teeth out and gleaming, swiping for his face.I don't actually hurt him - that's not my aim at all. I just get my nails in there, scratching in his face, barely drawing blood. It feels good to have them out again, unsheathed for once. I pull Wind-Cleaver out from across my back, swiping at multiple guards at once.

Suddenly, I notice one headed for Abraxos, a net of sorts in his hands. They're going to try and capture him. How dare they!

I spin my way out from the group I'm fighting, sneaking up behind the guard before sliding Wind-Cleaver across neck. I don't harm him, just threaten.

"Don't touch the wyvern!" I whisper harshly into his ear, before sliding my sword away engaging some other, lazier guards in the beautiful art of bloodshed.

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