Part 9

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I'm hovering above a battlefield. I am invisible, yet I can see everything. No one else can see me, but I am watching them. Where am I?

There's blood on the battlefield, so much it stains the ground blue. The air is alive with witches on broomsticks, locked in a deadly war. On the ground, fighting is still rampant, but the floor is mostly littered with witches, bleeding, dying, and dead.

The sky is dark with witches and storm clouds. The fighting in the air is more intense than that on the ground.

Three people stand in the centre of a hoard of Crochans. The Ironteeth Matrons. I look toward the Witch-City, and see it as it was 500 years ago, in the middle of the Witch Wars. The walls are stained with blood, and standing at the gates, fighting fiercer than even the Queen in the North, is Rhiannon Crochan, the Last High Queen. Pain and fear haunt her tired eyes.

As I watch, one of the matrons breaks away unnoticed from the others. I cannot tell which - I know that I know at least too of them, but 500 years younger, I can barely recognise them. Holding my breath, I watch the battle commence.

This is the fight that resulted in us loosing our homeland for 500 years. And, somehow, I am watching it all, powerless to do anything, though I know how it'll end.

The Matron continues to make her way over, unseen, to Rhiannon. Only when she gets close enough to touch Rhiannon do I realise that I'm not watching this from the start. No, I am watching Rhiannon's death.

I open my mouth to warn Rhiannon, to shout or something, despite knowing it's helpless. They can't hear me. This is ancient history.

No, no, no, I think watching in horror as the Matron gets closer, her hunched figure hidden by the piles of Ironteeth bodies surrounding Rhiannon. The Matron's claws shine with blood as she creeps ever closer, until -

Manon's ChildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora