Part 21

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Elide's POV

Manon is the last person in the world I expected to come here on such short notice. I would have been less surprised to see the Queen of Terrassen herself here, accompanied by her entire court.

Which, I remind myself as I rush to follow the unimpressed guard, may well happen, depending on what said Queen was feeling like.

We speed walk down the endless corridors of my home, the guard slowing his pace to match mine. Even with the brace Lorcan has permanently around my ankle, it's getting worse. Even I can tell that.

We pass the indoor training area that Lorcan insisted he needed installed here. I let him win that battle, deciding there wer better things to do with my life than argue about training areas. He sees us as we pass him by, and quickly drops the weight he's been lifting to come out. He must see something on my face that gets him worried.

"What the matter?" He asks me anxiously, bare chest gleaming with sweat. The sight of him, so worried about nothing, makes me smile.

"Nothing," I say, sliding my arm around his waist as we walk. "Apparently, Manon has decided to pay us a visit."

I can see Lorcan visibly try not to groan. His face changes rapidly fro expression from expression before he finally says, "She couldn't even have sent a warning? Or even waited for an invitation?"

I shove him lightly, not like it'll do anything, as we step into the blushing gardens of my home. Flowers are just starting bloom, rebuilding is well underway, and laughter reverberates through the streets. Tentative, yes, but laughter. It's almost as if there was no war.


The guard leads us right to the gates before stopping, waiting for my next instructions. I tell him to wait, then turn to Lorcan.

"Lorcan," I sat, willing authority into my voice. "Perhaps you should stand back while I welcome Manon."

"Elide!" Lorcan starts to protest I just raise my eyebrows at him, and he sighs, stepping back. I indicate to the guard to pen the gates, a smile already blooming on my face. I've missed my friend.

I see her, and my face falls.

Her eyes are half-closed, and she is leaning heavily on Abraxos. Her pale face has massive purple bags under her eyes. Her dirty clothes are smudged with human blood, and her white hair looks as though it hasn't been brushed in years. She looks sick. Really, really sick.

I gasp. "Manon," I cry, rushing forwards. "Are you alright?"

She opens her mouth, but keels over before she can reply, hitting the floor with a thud. The guards makes to approach her, but abraxos raises his wings, hissing protectively at him. He backs away slowly.

"Lorcan!" I call, my voice sounding panicked even to me. He is instantly at my side, putting a hand on the small of my back and frowning down at the passed-out witch. "Do something!" I say, anxiousness taking over.

Lorcan must sense my panic, because he puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Calm down, Elide," Lorcan says gently.

"How can I? Lorcan, this is my -"

"Elide," Lorcan says sternly, "Manon will be fine. I promise." I take a deep breath, calming myself. He's right - Manon will be fine. She will.

Lorcan slowly approaches the witch. Abraxos must know he's not going to hurt her, as all he does is watch Lorcan needlessly closely as he picks up Manon.

He's frowning at her as he carries her back to me. Abraxos is watching Manon closely as Lorcan takes her through the gates. With a sudden whoosh of sure, he flies over the gates and perches on one of the roof of my home.

I follow Lorcan anxiously through the gates, which the guards shut behind me, and into the house. He takes Manon into one of the many living rooms, laying her on a sofa.

I rush up to her. "Lorcan, call a healer!'

"Manon doesn't need a healer, Elide, Manon needs rest," Lorcan says calmly. He pulls me up to his chest and puts his arms around my shoulders, holding me tightly. I lean into him, seeking the reassurance his touch brings me, and hold his hands in place.

Lorcan smiles down at me. "Manon's pregnant, Elide."

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