Part 31

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Aelin's POV

I watch Manon stalk away from us, then turn and walk into the large room, Rowan a step behind me. He says, quiet enough that no one else will hear, "You're really going to invite a foreign queen to witness this?"

"Yes," I mutter back, "And anyway, I'll kick everyone else out before I talk to her." Rowan just looks at me assessingly. "What?" I snap irritably, but before he can reply the same old servant from earlier enters, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Your Majesty," he says to me, bowing deeply. "Lady Elide was... busy. She did not receive the message."

I smirk, Manon's warning obviously true. The rest of the court, having come in whilst I was talking to Manon, smirk and mutter, amused. Well, all amused but one; Lord Darrow's frowning even deeper than usual.

"Well," I say, "I'm sure they'll reconsider for their queen." I make for the door, but Rowan catches my arm.

"Aelin," he says, warning in his voice. "That is not a good idea."

"So what?" I say, trying to stop smirking and failing. "You can come as well if you really want."


I shake my arm free, smiling innocently over my shoulder at my mate. Rowan rolls his eyes, but I know he's laughing inside. I follow the servant to Elide and Lorcan's rooms, but he scuttles off before I can even knock.

When I do knock, I hear Lorcan growl, "I've told you once, I'll tell you again: GO AWAY!!"

I pause for a second before saying, "That's no way to talk to your queen."

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