Part 13

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I stare at the roof of my tent in shock, reeling free that experience.

That was how Rhiannon died.

I stumble out of the tent and vomit into a bush. It's still dark out here - I can't have been asleep more than half an hour, yet it feels like weeks have passed. I am shaking, covered in a cold sweat. At least now the dream is finished, and I truly know what happened to my ancestor. That knowledge answers questions I didn't even know I had.

When I stop shaking, I go to Abraxos' stables. He immediately looks up when he hears me approaching, and his eyes fill with worry.

Mother hen.

Silently, I saddle him up, flying quietly out to the Crochan city.

Abraxos and I land just before Rhiannon's death site. I slide off him, telling him to wait whilst I walk into the centre of the blasted earth. Then, I kneel and pray.

When the sky starts to lighten, I rise. I have never prayed so much in my life, although I have never really been one to pray. I turn to walk back to Abraxos, feeling oddly cleansed.


I freeze. I know immediately who it is. Slowly, I turn.There, standing before me, is Rhiannon Crochan.

I dont know what to say. "Rhiannon Crochan."

"Hello, Manon," she says. Looking at her is like staring into a mirror. We are almost identical. "My heir. You have done well to lead my people here so quickly."

"Thank you," I bow my head. "Why are you here?"

Rhiannon looks me up and down assessing my. "There is a long road for you on the horizon, witchling. Danger can and will stir in the most unlikely of places."

I watch her, thinking. "Is that why you showed me the Witch-Wars? A warning?"

"Indeed," Rhiannon says. "But also a reminder. You will have to be very strong, Manon, to further unite our peoples."

"I am strong," I reply without thinking. I have no doubt about it, though. I am one of the strongest people I know. "And I can and will lead my people through any hardships."

Rhiannon's face softens ever so slightly. "I have no doubt about it, Manon. You are my heir for a reason. Trust yourself."

"I do," I insist, but even as I say it, I wonder if it's true. Do I trust myself?

Rhiannon sighs, as if she can hear my thoughts. "Remember, trust your allies. The Queen in the North and the King in the South are young, but strong. Make the right choices, Manon, and you will be one of the strongest Queen's in history."

"I already am," I reply, without thinking.

Rhiannon smiles gently, for the first time. She starts to fade, like the Thirteen before they, too left. "I trust you, Manon. Your people trust you. You will make an excellent High-Queen. And mother." Without another word, Rhiannon is gone.

The sun is breaking over the horizon, but I am frozen in place.

You will make an excellent High-Queen. And mother.

And mother.

And mother.

Something Asterin said suddenly strikes my mind. Good luck with your new family.

At the time, I had been too grief stricken to take in her words. I'd assumed she just meant living with the Crochans, but what if...

Glennis's words from the night before come back to me too. It's almost as if you're eating for two.

I've thought it myself, but...

It's impossible. There's no way I could be -

But there is. Memories flood back to me, all proving true what can't be, mustn't be happening. The worst thing is, it makes sense. All the symptoms I've put down to grief instead are proving this...

And mother.

And mother.

And mother.

I - am pregnant. With Dorian's child.

I sink to my knees.

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