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Lena and Meghan stood behind the counter in silence after serving a few clients, Meghan sighed and sat down while Lena leaned over the register and looked out the door; she watched a few dark clouds as they started to form near the Frozen Paradise.

"I heard my parents talking about Mr. Morely last night" Lena finally said, Meghan turned around to look at her and frowned.

"What did you hear?"

"My dad doesn't like him" explained Lena "He was trying to convince my mom that I shouldn't work here"

"My dad doesn't like him either" Meghan added, she leaned over her knees and looked up at Lena "But, not a lot of people like him"

"I know" whispered Lena "You know, after I heard them talking and after what you told me, I could barely sleep, Mr. Morely has never been aggressive here"

"I know" said Meghan "But Laurel sounded very agitated when she called me last night"

Lena and Meghan looked at each other for a few seconds and then Meghan continued "What where your parents talking about?"

"My dad was ranting about why I shouldn't be here" explained Lena "And then he goes and says some shit about Mr. Morely dating a younger girl, a high school girl"

Meghan frowned and sat up straight "Your dad said he dated a high schooler?"

"Yes" answered Lean "I heard him say that, I was just as surprised as you are now"

"Huh" whispered Meghan.

"Shh, a client" whispered Lena back, Meghan turned to the door to see a young father walk in with a couple of kids; the chubby red headed girl looked around 5 and the boy with the baseball glove looked around 7.

"Hello, welcome to Frozen Paradise, how can I help you?" smiled Lena.

Meghan gave the young father a smile and stood up, she started serving the ice cream as Lena took the cash and the kids tugged and chattered to their father.

Meghan handed the ice creams to the kids and then the water bottle to the father, but her mind kept going back to Mr. Morely dating a high school girl once; because for the first time in ages she was thinking back to the day she had heard someone say in school that a girl was dating an older man.

Meghan turned to Lena, the black bags under her eyes had gotten darker and her eyes looked even more tiered than they had a few days back, it was obvious that Lena was barely sleeping, if she was at all.

"When we were back in school, did you ever hear about a girl dating an older guy?" asked Meghan, Lena turned to look at her friend and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hmm," she whispered "Well, now that you mention it, I did"

"I did too" said Meghan "But I never knew who either was"

"Do you think it was Mr. Morely and some girl?"

"Your father is sure" said Meghan "Why don't you ask him who the girl was?"

"And let him know I overheard him and my mom talking?" gasped Lena "He has been very sensitive, I can't do that"

"Well, wouldn't you like to know who it was?" asked Meghan.

"I would like to know other things first" thought Lena as she heard Meghan talk. "Why don't you ask Stuart?"

"Why would he know?"

"Stuart, Junior and Ryan were friends with the older kids back then, you know" explained Lena "With Alana being a few years older than us, he might know, or maybe she knows"

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