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Lena walked in her house silently, she had walked home after work and had been thinking about the people around her that had been keeping secrets, and about the photos from a year ago taken in Junior's room; she couldn't help but wonder if it was indeed someone close to her the one doing this.

She walked in the kitchen to find her mother and her father fixing dinner together, she smiled, Lena couldn't remember the last time they had made dinner together, but she liked seeing them like that. Margaret was giggling like a little girl as Peter made stupid jokes about the salad and the chicken.

"You two look like you are having fun" chuckled Lena, she placed her back pack over the kitchen island and sat down over one of the tall chairs.

Peter and Margaret turned to look at their daughter and smiled at her "Hey sweetie" smiled her mother as she turned back to what she was doing.

"How was your day?" asked Peter, he cleaned his hands and walked towards his daughter, he gave her a kiss over the head and sat down next to her.

"It was good" smiled Lena, "Yours?"

"Good" smiled Peter. "What about yours Marge?"

"It was great" smiled Margaret, she turned to look at her daughter and her husband and took the casserole to the oven.

"Good" whispered Lena, she looked down at her hands.

"We have news for you" Peter said, Lena looked at her father and then turned to look at Margaret, she was washing her hands and then turned to look at Lena. "We will be leaving you alone next weekend"

"Why?" asked Lena, she had never really cared when she was left home alone, but she wasn't liking the idea now that there was some freak harassing her, Nicola and Junior. She was actually wanting to tell her parents to not leave her alone, to take her with them or that they had to stay, but she said nothing.

"Your uncle is getting married" explained Margaret "And he wants your dad and me to go to Florida to be there"

Lena looked at her mother and then turned to look at her father, she felt incredibly happy that her uncle could finally get married, but the last thing she wanted was to be alone all the weekend, she was also pretty sure that they didn't want her to go so they could have a mini honeymoon at Florida.

"I'm so happy for him" whispered Lena, she knew it had come out incredibly fake "He deserves to be happy" she did mean every word, she just couldn't help but allow the fear in her to take over.

"We'll send you photos" smiled Peter.

"Of course" smiled Lena "And tell him I am very excited for him and that they need to come visit"

"We will" chuckled Margaret, "But you can call him"

"I know"

Lena knew how much it meant for Peter to be at his brother's wedding, and how much she was sure her parents needed a mini honeymoon, but she was hoping that they would end up asking her to come with them; she needed a break from everything as well.

"You could ask Meghan to stay over" said Peter as he stood up "You could have a girls night or something like it"

"No parties though" said Margaret.

"Mom, when have I ever done that?" asked Lena, she turned to look at Margaret who shrugged.

"There is always a first time" pointed out the woman, Lena chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I might tell Megs to come over" Lena said, she wasn't joking, if Meghan couldn't come over she would stay at her house or ask Nicola to come over.

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