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Lena arrived home after work on Friday evening before her parents did, which wasn't that usual on Friday's, she closed the door behind herself and headed up the stairs towards her room. Meghan had invited her to hang out with her and Stuart, and if she wanted Nicola, after work but the last thing Lena wanted was to be around anyone else.

"It could be anyone" Lena thought as she got to the second floor and her feet started to take her to her room automatically.

She stepped in and closed the door, that was the place where she kept all her secrets and at the same time it was the only place where she felt safe from whoever was the sick bastard sending her those horrible photos and messages.

After dropping her back pack next to the door, she walked towards her bed and dropped herself next to it, an electric pain ran up from her knees to her head but she ignored it as she fished under the bed for her secret box.

The box looked back at her and Lena almost had the impression that it was going to jump out of her hands and bit her face; maybe it was just how afraid she actually was about the content of the box. Slowly she pulled the lid off and took all the photos out of the box and placed them over her bed, she stood up and sat on the edge of the bed, scanning the photos like she had been doing for the last few days.

But besides from the threat that the photos exuded, there was nothing else there for her to see; Lena kicked the photos away and some slipped off the bed and landed gently over the floor. She pulled her legs up and stared out the window next to her bed, her mind playing over and over again all the text messages she had gotten.

Her mind then gently removed all the text messages and kept the last three in her working mind, she could only think about the terror she had felt as she had read those texts out there in the middle of the dark street.

"He was out there" her mind told her "Watching you, waiting for you"

"Hunting me" she whispered, with her eyes still glued to the window, she wasn't looking at anything but she thought she was.

Since she had gotten that text her mind had also been replaying all the TV shows she had ever watched that showed stalking: Law & Order, Law & Order SVU, Stalker, CSI, CSI Miami... and if she had learned something about those police shows that she loved so much was that it always got worse.

"Is he going to kill me?" she had asked herself as she sat there with her eyes watching nothing but hoping too.

"Probably" she heard her voice answer.

Lena sat in the darkness of her room, the shadows had engulfed the house hours ago, but the young woman hadn't moved from her bed since the sun had started to set. She was looking out the window but Lena hadn't noticed that the sun had set already, her mind had drifted away the moment she sat down, but now the buzzing of her cellphone brought her back to reality.

Lena looked down at her lap, and the light of the screen made her squint, it was almost as being blinded for a few seconds, she took the phone and looked at it closer, the name Junior appeared on the screen as well as a photo of Lena wearing winter cloths while having a piggy back ride from Junior.

Both smiling at the camera.

Lena waited until the phone went to voice mail and looked away from the screen, she frowned as she looked out the window, surprised to notice that night had already taken over the small town.

The phone started buzzing again and Junior's photo and name appeared once more over the screen of the cellphone. Lena looked down at the phone and with a sigh she declined to answer it, she had no intention in talking to Junior that day; or any day soon.

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