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Lena sat at the counter of the kitchen eating breakfast when Nicola came down the stairs, Lena looked up at him and smiled as he walked in the kitchen and sat down in front of her.

"Good morning" he said.

"Good morning" Lena answered back "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good" smiled Nicola "But I'm pretty anxious about getting started with the new house"

"I bet you are" Lena stood up and walked towards the sink, she placed her bowl in it and turned around to look at Nicola "You can grab anything you want to eat, I'd keep you company but I'm late for work"

"When are you free?" asked Nicola.

"On weekends" smiled Lena "Mostly"

Nicola smiled and looked down at his hands, then back up at her; the young woman smiled and then walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs, she had to brush her teeth and grab her back pack before she left for work.

Nicola heard Lena walk up the stairs and as her steps became softer and softer he assumed she had reached her room. The young man looked down at his phone and after a few seconds stood up and decided to make himself something to eat; after all a long day was ahead of him.

Lena came down the stairs a few minutes later with her back pack over one of her shoulders and her hair pulled into a messy braid.

"Never really learned how to make one did you?" joked Nicola as he pointed at her braid.

"Of course I did" smiled Lena "I'm just in a hurry, probably will take the car today"

"Have fun"

"I always do" laughed Lena as she headed towards the garage door "Have a good day! See you at night"

And with that Nicola was left alone at the Severide home; the young man cooked himself some eggs and sat at the counter to eat as he read the newspaper. Nicola was halfway done with his breakfast when the doorbell rang, he looked up but wasn't sure if he should answer, a second ring forced him up and towards the front door.

Nicola pulled the door opened to find two young men looking back at him, both looked incredibly surprised to see him there.

"Good morning" one of them spoke.

"Good morning" answered Nicola "Can I help you?"

"Who are you?" asked the second guy, he was shorter than the first one.

"Nicola Sardarov" he answered "Who are you?"

"Ryan Pratt" answered the second guy "And Junior Stale"

"Nice to meet you" said Nicola "What can I help you with?"

"Is Lena here?" asked Junior.

"No" answered Nicola "Actually she left for work a few minutes before you guys got here"

Junior looked at Nicola and narrowed his eyes, there was something about him that Junior didn't like, he wasn't sure if it was the way he looked, or the four tattoos he had already spotted around Nicola's arms or his accent, or even then way Nicola was looking at Junior, but there was something that Junior had immediately disliked about the new guy.

"Oh" said Ryan "Well, thank you"

"Do you want me to give her a message?" asked Nicola, he crossed his arms over his chest.

"No, we'll go talk to her down at the Frozen Paradise" Junior answered rapidly.

Ryan and Junior turned away, Nicola frowned, but didn't close the door as he watched them walk towards the porch stairs; Junior stopped and turned around.

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