Shouichi: What do you mean? (chills then ran through my body) What do you about my past?

Just as I was walking to approach the girl, a gust of wind suddenly blows through the girl's back, I closed my eyes but When I opened them the girl suddenly disappear. I kept wondering what was that but I eventually shrugged it off when I arrived at the Hero Club Room. I was greeted by a red-haired girl wearing a flower petal hair accessories and a black-haired girl with long silk hair wearing a blue ribbon.

Yuuna: Good day Shouichi-san, you're almost late again. (she said jokingly)

Togo: Good day Shouichi-senpai, if your late one more time who knows what Fuu-senpai will make you do again.

They are Yuuki Yuuna and Togo Mimori my underclassmen and members of the Hero Club.

Shouichi: Ah good day Yuuki-chan, Togo-chan, well the main star are always late right?

Yuuki and Togo just laugh at my joke

Shouichi: Well let's not just stand around here

I opened the door to the club room.

Yuuna: Yuuna, Togo, and Shouichi reporting to duty.

Togo: Good day everyone

Shouichi: Good day too everyone

Itsuki: Nice to see you

Fuu: Finally you guys are here,...Shouichi thank god you're not late today (she said teasing Shouichi)

Shouichi: What do you mean by that? 

Fuu: I'm just teasing you (She said as she was laughing), anyways let's start today's meeting

Everyone except Fuu: OKAY

They gathered at the board on the wall, Fuu then prepared by writing on the blackboard and putting several pictures of cats.

Fuu: This will be our focus for the month, to find owners for these cats

Itsuki: That sure is a lot Onee-chan.

Fuu: Because we have a lot of unresolved requests last month, We will start a school-wide campaign to find these cat's owners.

Shouichi: As expected of Fuu our club president to come up with a plan to involve the school. (I said to tease her a bit)

Fuu: T-thanks... ( She said while her face turns red for a bit). Anyway, I'll take care of the official papers, but we also need to improve our website can I leave it to you Togo?

Togo: Okay, I'll make the best there is. 

Yuuna: Oh putting your expertise at work there

Itsuki: Then what can we do Onee-chan?

Fuu: Umm... For now, just do what you always have done.

Shouichi: That's so vague, can you explain it a more Fuu.

Fuu: (In thinking position) Just be sure to work harder (She said in a loud voice)

Itsuki: Ehhhhh...

Shouichi: *sigh*..... (I couldn't stand it anymore, then walked over to Itsuki and patted her head) Don't think too much Itsuki, you already worked very hard.

Itsuki: O-okay ( She said while looking down and holding her skirt very tight, from an angle, you could tell that her face was beet red like a tomato)

Fuu: Ahem... 

Shouichi: (The surprised Shouichi then suddenly let go of his hand) R-right... Yuuki-chan you'll be at the coast clean up, right?

Yuuna: Yes, Of course

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of PossibillitiesWhere stories live. Discover now