Renee went to check Camille after Addison had done her checkup, according to Addison, Camille had been experiencing some pain for the last month or so.

"Hey, Camille," Renee said as she entered the girl's room.

"Hey, Dr Foster,"

"Where did your friends go?" Renee asked the Cheif's niece after she noticed the empty chairs.

"I forced them to go and have some food,"

"They are good friends, aren't they?"

"Yeah, they are. Dr Foster is cancer back?" Camille asked as she tried to sit up.

"Here," Renee helped the girl to sit up.

"Dr Foster, you didn't answer," 

"We don't know. We have to wait for the test results to come back until then try not to worry," Renee said softly as she ran her hand over the girl's head.

"It will be alright, right?" Camille asked as her voice cracked.

"Of course, sweetheart,"

Renee was searching the entire surgical floor in search of Richard but she couldn't find him, he wasn't in his office and he wasn't in any OR. She went into one of the conference rooms, she found Richard and Derek sitting on the stairs talking to each other. 

"You two alright?" She asked them.

"What did you do when you found Mark cheating on you?" Richard asked her, something which caught her off guard.

"I ran away, I didn't want to face it, at the beginning of our relationship, he cheated two times which I ignored but he figured it out that I knew, he never cheated after that,"

"Until Addison," Derek interrupted.

"Until Addison,"

"Why did you stay with him?"

"I loved him too much to leave him,"

Renee was walking down the hall with a cup of coffee from the coffee cart when she saw Bailey's interns sitting in one line, their backs resting against the wall, all of them carried a guilty expression on their faces.

"Why are you people sitting here?"

"We are given time out?" Meredith said.

"By who?"

"Dr Bailey," George said.


"Izzie cut Denny's LVAD wire,"


"You cut his LVAD wire?!" She asked furiously as she crouched down in front of them.

"We don't need another lecture," Meredith said.

"And I am not giving you one,"

"I need to check on Denny," Izzie said as she tried to get up but only to be pushed back by Renee.

"No, you don't. Erica Hahn is operating on him, I'll let you know what happens,"

Richard was watching on as Adele and some other woman talked among themselves, Renee walked up to him before clearing her throat

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Richard was watching on as Adele and some other woman talked among themselves, Renee walked up to him before clearing her throat.

"Hey. Camille's parents here?"

"Yes. There aren't any options?" Richard asked.

 "I could do a hysterectomy and ovariectomy, and pick out the remaining ovaries. I mean, we could try chemo, maybe radiation, but the cancer's spread. To her liver, her lungs, her bowel. Even if we were aggressive..." Renee said.


"I hate this. I never get used to telling someone their kid's going to drop dead before she's 18. Oh, damn it. I'm sorry. I didn't...I'm not usually this insensitive, Richard, I's just been one of those days. I'm sorry."

"It's ok,"

"I'm gonna go...I mean, do you want to go in?" 

"Oh, no, you go. They'd rather hear it from the treating physician. I got work to get back to. Deal with this Denny Duquette situation," 

"Ok." Renee went inside the room telling the family the bad news. 

"I am so sorry,"



"How's Preston?"

"He's recovering nicely. Addison..."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"All right."

"I mean we've come so far. You forgave me for Mark and we're trying."

"We are."

"We are trying."

"We're trying."

"And I was jealous when there was no need to be. Right?"



"Will you go to the prom with me?"

Renee watched as the two of them talked, small smiles on their faces, they were trying to make it work but she didn't know how Derek had forgiven Addison, so quickly. She didn't know if he had forgiven Mark but he had too because Addison and Mark were in it together. Renee had told Addison that if Derek forgave her, she would too but she couldn't find herself forgiving Addison. Perhaps it is easier to forgive the people you love.

Sighing she turned around blocking her surroundings and walked towards her Hotel room. She didn't go to the prom, she didn't want to. Instead, she tried calling Issac, who didn't respond, instead the call went to his answering machine.

"Hey, guess what? Richard had organized a prom in the hospital. In the hospital. I didn't go if you would have been here, we would've gone together. Derek asked Addison, so I guess he forgave her. Do you I should forgive them? Help me,"

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