Chapter 11: Growing Apart

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(Aya P.O.V.)
I'm staying in Atlanta with my best friend Crystal. I filled her in on everything later that night, and she didn't look at me differently. She showed me to my room I'd be laying my head.
"Let me know if you need help," she said leaving me to unpack.
My baby boy slept peacefully in his car seat. Looking at him made me think of Chance. I begin to cry, because I missed him terribly. Going to the restroom to pull it together, in the mist of me cleaning myself up; Caiden begin to cry. I dried my hands and went to attend to my kid. Carefully I lift him from his seat.
"What's wrong baby boy?," I asked him.
He continued to cry. I quickly changed his diaper, and then I breast fed him. My thoughts were consumed on not being home and how I would have to do this by myself. Heartbroken is an understatement. Plus, Chance only responded to me when I said I landed a couple of hours ago. Next, I burped him.
"Crystal," I called out to her.
"Yes sis," she appeared in the doorway.
"Can you take him, so I can finish unpacking?," I asked her.
"Yeah girl of course," she said and entered the room.
Carefully, she took my son.
"Hey nephew, it's your aunty Crystal," she spoke to him gently.
I went back to unloading our items and putting them in the dresser she had.
"You okay sis?," she asked concerned.
"No, honestly.I miss home and I miss him," I said.
"Girl I miss Cali too. And I know I don't fully understand the position your in, but remember who your protecting here. You and Chance will be back together in no time. Keep your head up and stay strong boo," she replied.
She made a valid point, it's really about protecting our son. Just have to hold steady and be strong for him.
"You right sis, I needed that."
Crystal been my day one, and she gone always keep it real with me.
"You know I got you boo," she said.
Once unpacking is done, I'm beyond tired.
"I'm getting ready to cook, you hungry?," she asked me.
"Girl I'm starving."
Crystal passed my son back to me, and then went to the kitchen. I got up to go sit in the living room.
"So how has living in Atlanta been?," I asked her.
"Girl it's cool here. Definitely no place like home though," she replied.
"You never said why you left," I stated.
She put the diced peppers and onions into the skillet.
"Girl I got this bomb job here and left so I could be closer to Trey," she said.
"What happened with that?," I asked her.
She sighed deeply and said, "me and trey were going heavy. So heavy that I got pregnant, but my body wouldn't allow such course to take place. That broke something in us, so he went back to Louisiana and I resided here in my career."
The room is silent for a moment. I felt bad for my best friend.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that alone, I wish I could've been here," I replied.
"Girl do not beat yourself up, I needed time to myself. I miss him though," she admitted.
And when she said that last part, I felt that.
"Have you tried reaching out to him? Or has he tried contacting you?," I asked her.
"No, he has called though... but I never answer."
We locked eyes for a brief moment, cause she already know I'm a keeper it real with her.
"Now sis, me and you both know you want to talk to him. I think you should see what happens... make it right," I told her.
She nodded her head and went back to the task she had in front of her. Glancing down, my baby boy is awake. He moved his hands around and yawned. That night at the dinner table, we conversed and reminisce over the good times. Even talk about that party we went to.
"Girl, I remember you was backing that ass up on Chance," she said.
I laughed and replied, "you was like 'get it bih',good times."
It was such a simpler time then...

A month later:

Caiden is a month old, still spitting image of his father. I haven't heard from Chance, which worried me a lot. Is he okay? Does he think about us? So many questions circulated in my head.
I'm returning to Crystal place, after running to the store for a few things. Crystal isn't home yet, because she doesn't get off until 5:30. Baby boy slept peacefully, so I went to put him in his crib. I trail back to the kitchen to put away the little groceries I did buy. In the mist of me putting the grapes away, there's a knock at the door.
"Who is it?," I asked out loud.
No response, so I went to look through the peep hole. There he stood his beard rough and had a little more muscle to him. I opened the door and it was like seeing each other for the first time all over again.
"Chance," I said in disbelief.
"Aya," he said just as shock.
Standing to the side to let him in. Once I closed the door, he immediately pulled me into his arms. I felt whole again.
"You look amazing. Absolutely beautiful like always," he stated staring at me from head to toe.
His hands rested on my ass, that had grew in size due to when I was pregnant with our son.
"I see you've gone rogue, but you still look fine," I said referring to his beard.
He smirked and replied, "thanks."
Chance still kept his waves in tack and I ran my hands across them. Oh how it felt good to be around my man again.
"Where's Caiden?," he asked me.
"Sleep in his crib."
The tension between us is thick, due to no type of contact what's so ever. He pulled me closer, which made my heart race. I pressed my lips to his, and he gave my ass a squeeze. A moan escaped my lips. Before I knew it, my back is pressed against the wall. He stroke me so lovingly. I missed him so much, and I could tell he missed me too.
"Ouuu shit Chance," I moaned quietly.
"Girl you gone make me cum, but I'm not done with you yet," he said and then kissed my neck repeatedly.
He picked up speed and my nails dig into his back.
"I love you," he repeated with a few extra notes.
I've lost track of how many times he's made me cum. I could tell he was close to reaching his peak. That feeling built inside my core again.
"Chance, I'm about to cum again," I said with my head tilted back.
"Shit I am too," he mumbled.
That universal collision happened, good thing he wore protection or we'd be on baby number 2. We had gathered our things and went to my room to freshen up. He closer the door behind him quietly. Going into the bathroom, we took a quick shower. After getting dressed, we head back to the room.
"How have you been?," he asked me while picking up our son.
"I've been surviving," I responded truthfully.
"Yeah me too, I miss having you and our son at home," he admitted.
"I miss home too."
He came and sat right next to me. Caiden is awake now, and he stared at his father.
"I know I haven't been around much and I'm sorry for that," he said to us both.
Our son smiled up at him, which made my eyes water. Everyday should be us all being together, but the situation at hand won't allow that.
"When is this war happening?," I asked him.
"In two months, maybe three. We've gotten most of our team together," he replied.
I simply nodded my head.
"But, lets not worry about that, let's focus on us," he said.
"Your right," I agreed.
That night we talked about any and everything. He even changed Caiden's diaper and fed him. And they bonded like he was never gone. It's absolutely heartwarming to see. Going on midnight, I yawned. Chance had put Caiden to bed, and then we laid down. He wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on my neck.
"Goodnight baby," he said.
"Goodnight my love," I replied.
Relaxing into his arms, I fell asleep immediately. I was awaken out of my sleep, due to our son crying. The clock read 3:30 in the morning. Chance had gotten up before I did to attend to our sons needs.
"What's wrong baby boy?," he asked him.
He laid him on the bed, so that way he could change his diaper. Caiden begin to cry again after.
"You must be hungry," he said.
And that's my cue, I sit up. Chance made eye contact with me and then brought him to me. I put our son on the boob, so that he could get that liquid gold. After feeding him, I burp him. Chance took him back, so that he could put him to sleep.
"It feels good to be next to you," he said while wrapping his arms around me.
"Yeah, same these ways. It doesn't feel right when your not next to me," I admitted.
"Well, it won't be like this too much longer," he reassured.
I nodded my head and he placed a kiss on my forehead. Chance pulled me a little closer, and I settled into his embrace. Just like that I'm sleep. That next morning, he wasn't next to me and our son wasn't in his crib. Getting up, I take care of my hygiene routine and then get dressed. As I'm heading to the kitchen, I hear Chance and crystal talking.
"I'm glad your here Chance. My bestie has not been herself at all," she told him.
I stopped just to listen for a moment.
"Not herself how?," he asked her.
"It would be nights she cried herself to sleep and of course I'd step in when she needed assistance with Caiden. Sis even lost some weight when she started staying here."
"Damn," he said heartbroken.
She was telling him the truth.
"Let me go see if she's up," he said.
"Okay, I can take Caiden until you both return," she said.
Immediately, I quietly head back into the room and made it seem like I was coming out of the restroom.
"Good morning," he said with a smile.
"Good morning babe," I replied.
"Food is ready," he stated.
I smiled and peck his lips a few times. We went to the kitchen and sat with Crystal. She passed my son to me. Sitting there in a peaceful silence.
"Well, I'm headed to work. Don't tear my house up," she joked.
Once Crystal left, Chance focused his attention on me.
"You really missed the kid, huh?," he asked.
"Yeah, it's hard," I admitted.
Our son is knock out in my arms, Chance took him to our room. A few minutes later, he returned. His hands slid down my neck. Looking into his eyes? I was dazed. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. Next, chance pulled my shirt over my head and next thing I know...

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