Chapter 7: Winter/ Baring News

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(Aya P.O.V.)
     This semester has been crazy. Between final papers and prepping for final exams, I'm tired. As of lately, I've been more tired than ever. And since Chance and I have been going steady, he had me move into his apartment. I'm just getting home from the library. Dropping my bag by the door, and slipping my shoes off. I made my way to the kitchen. He's whipping up his famous spaghetti, but right now the smell of the tomato sauce has me queasy.

"Hey baby, how was your day?," he asked and peck my lips.

"It was —," my words cut short by the fluid that filled my throat.

I ran to the bathroom and empty my contents into the toilet. Throwing up again, my throat is on fire. Of course Chance trailed into check on me.
"You okay love?," he asked.

"No, I'm tired and sick as a dog."

"Let's take you to the emergency room," he suggested.

I nodded my head in agreement, he left me to pull it together. Once that's done, we leave out. My head rested against the window while he drove. His one hand is on the steering wheel, while the other is holding my hand. Feeling like the queasiness was as coming back, I rolled my window down.

The cold air on my face felt amazing.

"Chance, I feel like I'm gonna be sick again," I spoke with my eyes closed.
I felt the car slowing down.

"Well good thing we're here," he responded.
I slowly opened my eyes, and we were indeed at the hospital. We headed inside, and I passed the lady my insurance information. The hospital got to me right away.

"Hello Aya, my name is Dr. Cascade. What seems to be the problem?," he asked.

"Dr. Cascade I'm tired all the time and I keep throwing up," I replied.
Dr. Cascade took notes.

"Well let's run a few test and get to the problem," he said.
I nodded my head and he drew my
blood first. Then, had me pee in a cup.

"These will take a few, but I'll be back with the results," he said.

Dr. Cascade left, and it was just us in the room.

Honestly, I'm scared out of my mind.

"Chance, what if I'm pregnant?," I asked him.

"Let's worry about that when we get to that point," he said with no emotion.

Two hours later, the doctor returned with the results.

"Aya, I have some news for you. First, your slightly dehydrated which is why your on an IV bag now. And second, your pregnant. Both your blood work and urine came back positive," he said.

I laid there, not surprised because Chance and I were at each other's neck a lot. And I slip up forgetting to get my shot the last time.

"I know that's a lot to take in. I'll bring you some brochures on different options that you have," Dr. Cascade said.
I nodded my head and the doctor left out once again. Looking over at him, he was staring back at me. We already had bad aliens on our plate, but a baby? I honestly don't know about this, we are young and got our whole lives ahead of us. Then again, I'm conflicted because I'm carrying a life.
"Aya whatever you decide... I'm here every step of the way, okay?," he said to me.

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