Blizzard Sculpture (Christmas Headcanon)

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Sometimes, when there was a snow blizzard outside, Percy would summon the water and mould it into something while being inside. Usually, they were Christmas trees, large presents or just random Christmas things like ornaments or a sled. The cold air froze the water so it became ice. Since the wind was very strong, Percy had to hold it in that position for a long time. That drained lots of his energy. But since he had nothing better to do, he didn't care. You could say it was his secret special talent. So when the blizzard was over, Camp Half-Blood got the surprise of their life when they saw a 10 foot Santa Claus ice sculpture next to a Christmas tree with a similar height. They would wonder who made it, and Percy told no one. Only his closest friends knew it was him, but they said nothing, and enjoyed the sculpture's beauty in silence.

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