Comforting Sounds (Piper/Headcanon)

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In her spare time, Piper loved listening to songs that made her feel at home. Cherokee songs were on the top of that list. They provided her with elating heartache and true sense of nostalgia. The comforting sounds she needed to bring her closer to who she was and who she was brought up as. They reminded her of Grandpa Tom, her dad and the happy times they shared. True, on more than several occasions, tears threatened to fall, but she kept her head up. Because listening to a part of her old home was everything she needed.


So. I've been a complete disappointment. I disappeared off the face of the earth for two or so months, and I am completely riddled with guilt. Words cannot express how sorry I am. My school schedule (and life schedule, actually) just got really packed and hectic this year, more than last year. I was also planning to write, but I've been so tired and there hasn't been a... 'mood' for me to start writing. I'm truly sorry. I had to make up this headcanon in 3 minutes just for the sake of writing something. I was listening to Birdy's Comforting Sounds, and this idea just popped in my head. Sorry if it lacks the criteria of your expectations of me, but it's something.

Valentine's Day (Faelentine's Day hehe) is coming up, but I really don't think I'll be writing any one-shots this year. I apologize. It's my birthday that day and if I don't spend the day being emotional and anti-social, I'd probably be busy. We're so close to 1K... thank you guys for still following me after being inactive, I truly appreciate it. I'll try to update again this Sunday if I can.

Once again, I'm so sorry if I have to cut time off Wattpad this year, more than last year. Thank you for understanding. May God bless you all, and have a lovely day <3

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