The Augur (Octavian/Headcanon/Part 1)

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Since I can't decide, I'm just gonna do both. This chapter is going to be from him. The next chapter of this book will most probably for him but I'm not entirely sure. Maybe, maybe not. Enjoy, my cream puffs! Oh yeah, this chapter is split into two parts, one for the bad side of him and the other for the more 'good' part of him. Let's start it off with the bad side.


It's not fair. I serve New Rome for years and this is what I get. I aim to be the leader but I get to be the augur. That bossy misfit Reyna gets to be the praetor while I'm stuck cutting open toys and sacrificing their insides. I deserve to be the leader. I deserve to be it all. They hate me, but I will prevail. I will show them what true power is. They despise me, but one day they will bow down and worship me. When her co-praetor went missing, it was my chance. I had no care whatsoever to the previous one. I was going to become a praetor. I had it all planned out. Then that putrid Greek came. He goes to the worst cohort, settles with the worst friends, succeeds in just one stupid quest and guess what? He becomes a praetor as a temporary replacement for the son of Jupiter.

I hate him.

He's just a horrible Greek. He's stolen my dream job. The enemy has authority to rule over the camp. But I will get him one day. He will die a slow, painful death. Everyone will see me as a hero, banishing the Greeks and our Roman traitors forever. I will finally rule, and get all the glory I deserve. I will kill the Son of Poseidon. And no one, not even the gods will stop me. I swear it on the River Styx.


Life is cruel. Life is bad. Life is hurtful. Yet why am I still living it? Is it because of hope? Is it because of desire? Or is it because I'm just scared of death? I don't know. All these people making fun of me, belittling me everyday just because it's my duty to do what I do. I don't get it. My mother taught me something when I was younger. Ignorance is bliss.

I did what she told me but everyday, the weak boy became weaker and that's when I fought back. Every single insult hurled at me, I respond with even worse. It feels so good but I don't like it. The small part inside of me is screaming to stop, but I am unstoppable. I am trapped in evil. I cannot escape. Help me. I don't want to be like this. I know that lonely, teased boy is still the same. But he's not weak anymore. He's changed. The old Octavian has learned to stand up for himself but the new one is taking over. He's evil. He controls me into wanting to rule New Rome. I don't want that. He wants me to become a praetor. I don't want that.

I'm scared. He's taking over me, little by little everyday. I try to stop him. I try to do good things but I end up being hurt. That's what fuels him. Anger. I have to stop. I am bad, but I want to be good. That's near impossible. So why keep trying? If it means hurting more people in the end anyway, why continue. He's taunting me. Everyday, the knife given to me by my mother is staring at me from the bedside table. Romans are supposed to be great. Brave, courageous, worthy.


But I am not. I now know what to do with that knife. Mother said it would help me one day, and it will. After that, it will all be over. I will finally be free from my prison. And so will everyone else. This may the last time you will hear from me, and I bet you're happy.

I am too.


Eheheheheh. I mentioned the word 'praetor' like, 4 times in the first one XD. Which of these do you guys like more? (Do I really need to ask?)

To be honest, I really like the second one better. People are hating so much on Octavian. I just wanted to make a change. But I'll be ashamed of this if evil really is his true nature. I guess I just have to hope for the best in Blood Of Olympus. (Knowing Rick he'll probably be trolling all the way.)

This book almost has a hundred chapters.You know what's coming, don't you? *sniffs*

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