The Diadem (Crossover/Headcanon)

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The reason why owls were used for postage and letter was because of this: it was suggested by Rowena Ravenclaw. Some people said she was pure-blood, others suggested that one of the greatest witches of that century was muggle born. But only few knew that she was in fact, a half-blood. Not by Muggle and witch/wizard. By god. She was demigod witch. Her father was a pure-blood and her mother was Athena. Of course, she never knew and grew up believing her half-blood stepmother was her biological one. But when the 4 founders of Hogwarts were discussing the mailing system, she thought of owls. Like, the first and only thing she thought of was legitimately. It was decided and so owls were used because they were known to be more than just magical creatures. Then one day, a grey one came to her and sent a package. Inside was a beautiful diadem. The note attached to it said: From mother with love. Use your intelligence wisely. Rowena felt touched and sent a letter to whom she thought was her mother, and got one in return. Her 'mother' said she didn't send anything and told her not to keep it because it might be bewitched. So Rowena did a security check and used a few charms on it. She found nothing wrong. But she felt an attraction to it. Like it was pulling her closer. Everyday she got wiser, sharing her wisdom and intellectual skills with her students. Then the unthinkable happened. The diadem was stolen by none other than her own daughter Helena. She was not usually this selfish, craving more intelligence to overthrow her own mother. But Rowena was scared. Frightened, more like it. For her daughter's own safety. Because along that gift another note was attached.

Only you alone can use this. It cannot be taken from you until the day of your last breath. Until then, keep it out of reach from anyone else, for a gruesome fate awaits them, one way or another.

And from there on Rowena fell fatally ill. She never got to see her daughter again, until she died shortly afterwards. Legend said it was because of a broken heart, alongside the illness, and it was true. It was not because of her daughter's betrayal. It was because in the end Helena would ultimately feel death much worse than her mother.

The diadem was used again as a Horcrux by Tom Riddle, but Athena, enraged with it's history, sought to put an end to it. She guided a young wizard, with the help of his friends to figure this out, and thus, indirectly destroying it. It was gone now, but it's tale was spread out both in Hogwarts and Camp Half-Blood.

The Cursed Diadem.




Lately I've been noticing that I'm losing plenty of readers. Why? I don't know. But I'm overcome by this feeling of dread. I shouldn't let it get to me. *skips off to watch Cry on youtube*


Question: Who is your inspiration, or favourite author on Wattpad? (I've wanted to ask this a long time but I keep forgetting. I just remembered when I read Gabirox's latest update.)

I have plenty, but the very first person I read was OliviaLovesSnow and she is amazing. If any of you know SkyDoesMinecraft, it's impossible not to have read her story 'Sis' with two sequels, 'Bro' and 'Mum'. This is for Minecraftians like myself, so if you like that dude Sky like me, check her out.

On the Percy Jackson side, it would be MariaRobin. The concept of this book is so much like her 'Percy Jackson Moments' one and it inspires me alot.

Another question: Do you guys watch YouTube? As in, YouTubers? (I also wanted to ask this question but forgot until now.)

Back in the day I used to watch JacksGap, Zoella, Marcus Butler, PointlessBlog (Alfie), and you know, the YouTube Gang. But strangely, I lost interest in them. Then came Dan. Sigh. Oh Dan. #shippingphan

Then there was Minecraft. Before you go any further, I am launching into my YouTube tale, this is just a fair warning. I started watching this guy called EthosLab, and I liked him a lot. Along with, SethBling, CaptainSparklez, SkyDoesMinecraft, MinecraftUniverse, Bodil40, and basically the rest of Team Crafted. I had loads more but now the book fandom is pulling me away from YouTube. I also used to always watch PEWDIEPIEE! Any of you guys watch Pewds too? I watched him a lot, but now I mostly watch his friend Cry. His voice is so dreamy.

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