27: Sick Day

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Y/n wakes up one morning knowing that America wouldn't be there. He was going back working almost everyday at the offices now. Apparently they were planning some large upcoming event.

So it was quite a surprise when she saw him next to her. Y/n is about to wake him up when she notices how flushed his face was. 

I told you to wear a goddamn coat and now look at you...

She sighs and places her hand on his arm. 

"Stars?...Good morning," Y/n says softly. 

America rolls over and lets out a small groan of discomfort. 

"Have you called in sick yet?" She asks, knowing darn well that he's awake. 

"Yes..." He grumbles, pulling the covers tighter around him. 

"America," Y/n says in a warning voice. "Roll back over and look at me," 

After a moment of silence, America does at he's told. 

"You're cute when your annoyed," He says with a cocky smile on his face. 

"Very funny," She says sarcastically. Y/n reaches over and places her hand against his forehead. "You have a fever. I thought countries couldn't get sick," 

"Sometimes we do..." America mutters. "I'm fine though...I just need to sleep..." Afterward, he coughs a bit, causing him to become embarrassed and roll over again. 

Y/n's expression softens. She leans down and kissed the temple of his head, then gets up out of bed. 

"Do you want anything to eat?" She calls. 


Y/n comes back in the room a few minute later with something for him anyway. She sits on the edge of his side of the bed with a slice of toast with jelly for him. 

"At least try," She urges him. 

America lets out a small whine of protest. But he soon sits up in bed and eats half of what was brought to him. His face was twisted with disgust as he ate. After, he lays back down again and lets out a few coughs. 

Y/n smiles gently in reassurance. She takes a damp cloth that she had also brought with her and places it over his forehead. America immediately lets out a sigh of relief. 

"Feels good?" Y/n asks softly. 

"Mhm..." He hums and closes his eyes again. "Thank you..." 

"Of course, Stars," She kisses him on the forehead, making him chuckle.

"You're gonna get sick too," 

"I don't get sick," She retorts. "I'll be fine," 

Y/n gets her laptop to start working, but crawls back in bed next to him. She sits there and gets to her job. America catches on quickly and wraps his arms around her waist as she sits against the headboard of the bed. 

Whenever she isn't typing with both hands, Y/n runs her fingers through his hair in comfort. Every hour or so the country would wake up due to coughing fits. But he stayed asleep for the most part. 

She gets up a few times to get a fresh cloth for his forehead. Every time, a weight seems to lift off of America's shoulders. 

Even after she's done working for the day, Y/n stays there with him. She ends up sitting behind America to massage his shoulders in hopes of relaxing him a bit more. 


"Hm?" America lazily lifts his head at the sound of her voice. 

"It's almost six o'clock,"

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