Info Timeeee

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So hi this is Bea at 12 in the morning telling you all to have a good day whilst I live with my new and unimproved sleep schedule 

This seems like a good story idea now but I'll probably regret it later

EDIT: Hi this me a week later with some more stuff to say. 

This story is not meant to offend anyone. It's been put together kinda quickly since I go through phases of liking a single country. 

I wanted to get a lot of this done before I ran out of steam, so most of the story is already done even if I don't post all of the chapters at once.

Anyway, here we go!

Countries + their personalities in this:


America appears to be egotistical and overly energetic on the outside. However, he is actually pretty sensitive when it comes to being around people he cares about. He often takes things personally even if they sometimes don't affect him. America can sometimes be naive and lets his emotions get the better of him, but his heart is almost always in the right place.  

Other things:

- has one blue and one gold eye, hides with sunglasses

- is actually really affectionate 

- has a secret crush on our dear Y/n


Russia is cold around strangers, but softens just a bit around friends/family. He cares about his siblings above everything else. He is extremely short tempered, even more so when he's drunk. Russia typically becomes violent when he drinks too much (usually vodka) and only a certain handful of people can keep him stable enough until he sobers up. He has a poor judgement of others and will jump to conclusions.

Other things: 

- always carries a pistol with him

- tall af

- secretly loves cats

- has trust issues


Ukraine is Russia's older sister. She's even more stoic than he is, but she softens more easily around familiar people. She is often a mediator and is good at settling fights and other disputes. Her friends often seek her as emotional support. Ukraine doesn't actually like to get into fights herself, unlike her brother Russia, but she knows how to trap and kill someone in a chokehold and she makes that very clear to others. 

Other things:

- is the only one who actually scares Russia (even when he's drunk)

- dating Canada/Maple boiiii

- doesn't drink that much


Philippines is bubbly and energetic around everyone, including people she doesn't know. She's the mom friend of her friend groups. Like most other countries, Phil won't hesitate to fight people if it's needed, but she's much more reluctant to do so. She enjoys hanging out and partying with her friends but mostly hangs out with Indonesia and Malaysia. 

Other things: 

- goes by Pip or Phil

- dated America once, it was a mutual breakup and they're still friends

- "road work ahead? Uh yeah I sure hope it does"

Interpol (International Police):

Interpol is rather sarcastic and childish, despite his important status. He goofs off a lot but, like other countries, won't hesitate to fight someone. Particularly someone who insults him specifically. Interpol may come off as a jerk, but he actually worries a lot about people and takes his job very seriously. 

(Will not appear until later chapters)

Other things:

- bad relationship with America

- sarcastic


China often appears calm or relaxed in most situations, even tense ones. He and America are enemies and neither are afraid to show it. He is clever and a tad manipulative. China is a perfectionist, and can have angry outbursts if something doesn't go according to plan.

(Will not appear until later chapters)

Other things:

- anger issues

- can kill you if he wants

- sneaky boi

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