8: Waiting Game

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America runs into the waiting room. He instantly sees Philippines sitting in one of the chairs, bouncing her leg with anxiety. She runs over to him and the two hug each other tightly. 

"Is she okay? What's happening?" He pulls away, only to grasp his friend on the shoulders. 

"They had to take her into surgery," Philippines replies while on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry I didn't pay attention there was just so much going on and-"

"It's okay, it's okay," America says quickly. "Just...is she gonna be okay?" 

"I think so," She takes a breath to calm herself down. "I think they said she would be in there for another hour..." 

He nods. America paces back and forth a few times. 

"What happened...?" He finally mutters and takes a seat in an open chair. 

Philippines sits next to him. "I-I don't know," She says. "I left to talk to Singapore, and I wasn't even gone for a few minutes and then people started yelling and then I saw her on the ground and-"

"Slow down," America tells her. "Who did it?" 

"I..." Philippines trails off. "I don't know...I left without asking anything..." 

He felt frustrated, but America understood in a way. He probably would have done the same thing in her situation. 

He hadn't even been there and he was afraid out of his mind. 

"So..." America mumbles. "All we can do is wait?" 

"Yeah..." Philippines says quietly in return. "I can go get her a few things from if you want to wait here. The doctors said we'd need to do it eventually," 

He looks at her hopefully. "Will you?" 

"Sure," She replies. "It's not that I don't want to stay it's just that I'm too jumpy waiting here. Is there anything specific I should get?"

America thinks for a moment. 


Just over forty-five minutes later, the doctors let America in to see Y/n. 

"Is she alright?" He asks sternly. 

"She's resting for now," The doctor says. "She had fluid build up in her brain from the impact, we had to take her in to surgery to drain it. We won't know about any possible complications until she wakes up," 

America nods. The doctor stops at a closed door. 

"While the paramedics had her, she had a severe sensitivity to light and sound, so the lights are dimmed. Please keep your voice down when she's awake," 

He nods, and the doctor lets him inside. 

America feels his heart break a bit when he sees Y/n. The door behind him closes, just leaving the two of them. 

She laid motionless, except for the rise and fall of her chest. Y/n's head was wrapped in bandages. There was the slightest twist of pain in her expression. 

America walks over and pulls up a chair next to the bed. He studies her for a moment longer. Even though she was attached to all sort of machines and wrapped in gauze, she was still his Angel.

There's a small knock at the door, and Philippines walks in with a duffle bag over her shoulder. She walks silently over to a chair off to the side of the room. 

"How is she...?" Pip asks while setting the bag down. 

"They say that they won't know much until she wakes up..." America mumbles. He takes Y/n's hand and holds it gently in his own. "She doesn't deserve this..." 

"I know," Philippines says. 

There's a long silence. The only noises were the beeping of the heart monitor and the occasional shifting of the two conscious figures in the room. 



"Do you want me to stay?"

He looks over at her, a soft smile on his face. "Indo and Malay?"

"They have a habit of causing trouble when I'm away for too long," Philippines laughs a bit. 

"I'll be okay," America reassures her. 

"Call me if anything happens," She says. The shorter country gives the taller one a quick hug. "And try to sleep, okay?" 

"Okay, mom," 

Philippines rolls her eyes. She places a hand on Y/n's arm. 

"Come back soon, N/n..." She whispers. 

After that, she's gone. 

Russia wakes up with a headache that was either about to make his head implode or explode. 

I don't think I've ever had so much to drink in one night...

He walks out into the kitchen, but someone else is already there waiting. She's sitting in the dining room with a cup of tea. 

"Ukraine what are you doing in my house?" 

His sister looks up at him with a death glare. 

"We need to talk," 

"Can it wait until I'm not hungover?" Russia grumbles. 

Ukraine sips from her cup of tea but doesn't look away from him. "No," 

She looked like she was about to kill someone. 

"Okay then..." Russia takes a seat across from her at the dining room table. "What's this about?" 

"Do you remember anything about last night?" Ukraine asks firmly. She finally sets her mug down.

"I drank a lot....Why? Did I punch someone again?" Russia says the last part as a joke. 

His sister narrows her eyes. 

"No, you broke a bottle over someone's head," 

He had never done that before. 

"Well that must have hurt," 

"Yeah, she's in the hospital," 

"Just say what you need to say, Raine," Russia growls. "I'm not in the mood for this sh*t," 

Ukraine leans back in her chair. 

"It was Y/n, Russia. You broke a beer bottle over Y/n's head," She tells him. "She's the one in the hospital," 

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