10: Memories

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A week.

That was how long they had to keep her at the hospital.

Y/n was stressed beyond belief, her heart monitor was going so fast at one point that they considered giving her a sedative. Thankfully, America was able to calm her down. 

That didn't mean she wasn't still upset. 

On the bright side, her vision began getting better the next day...if getting better means scary black shapes instead of actual people, then yes. She kept her eyes shut most of the time.

America stays with her. He probably wouldn't leave unless he was dragged out of the room while kicking and screaming. Y/n really appreciated it, but still worried about him. 

"Rika you should go home for a bit and rest," She tells him one afternoon. 

"No, I'm staying..." He grumbles. America is sitting up, next to her in the bed with his arms around her waist and his face nuzzled against his neck. "I don't want to leave you,"

"You need to shower," Y/n counters. 

"Are you saying I smell bad?" 


He mutters something inaudible. 

"What was that?" 

"Nothing," America says. "I'm not leaving," 

"I'll be fine if you leave for a few hours," Y/n tells him. 

He's silent for several seconds. 

"If I call someone else to stay here with you...?"

"Yes, I'll be fine, Stars, really," She says. 

That was a lie. She was worried that she would start panicking again. 

However, America calls Philippines. Y/n was happy that she at least knew who it was well. 

"N/n!" Philippines runs into the room about a half an hour later. Y/n flinches at the noise, but she  soon feels her friend's hand gently touching her shoulder.  

"Hi Pip," She smiles in the general direction of the black mass that resembled Philippines as well as a black mass could. Then she glances up at what she knew was America. "Go shower,"

"Fine," America says. "I'm coming right back," 

"I know," 

He pecks her on the cheek. "Bye Angel," 

"Bye Stars," 

America gets up and leaves. 

"I'm sticking my tongue out in disgust right now," Philippines says teasingly. 

"Very funny," Y/n responds. 

"How are you feeling?" Her friend sits on the edge of the bed. 

"I'm good considering the crushing anxiety, the blindness, and the throbbing headaches," She replies. 

"That doesn't sound good at all, N/n," Philippines tells her. 

"I know..."

"Can you see me at all?" 

"You're sort of a...black mass," Y/n says, squinting for a moment. 

"I bet I'm a fabulous black mass," The country brags. 

"You are," Y/n laughs. However, in reality, everyone sort of looked the same except for height. "By the way, did anyone from the bar see anything when...all of that stuff happened?" 

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