7: Blur

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"You're the one who agreed to help me!"

"And helping you is going to be the thing I regret until the day I f*cking die, thank you very much!"

"Guys stop!" Ukraine yells.

With the noise in the bar, almost no one was paying attention to their heated argument. Everyone was more focused on their own friends or the television screens.

No one saw Russia snatch Y/n's beer bottle.

And no one noticed when he smashed it over Y/n's head.

She collapses to the ground, vision blurry and a horrible ringing in her ears. Y/n can't see Russia or Ukraine anymore, they're gone...although the only thing that the girl can see are feet as she lies on her side.

Y/n can barely remember what happened in between then and when someone rolled her onto her back. By then, the music and lively chatter had faded into distant mumbling. Every noise was distant for that matter. It was like everyone have just backed up a hundred feet and continued doing what they had been doing before.

She can make out a few people looking over her. One being Philippines. The other was either Indonesia, Monaco, or Singapore.

It was Singapore, Y/n was able to make out the stars.


Stars...America...where is he...?

Philippines is yelling, both at her and the people around them. Y/n can't make out what she's saying over the consistent ringing in her ears. But both noises were equally adding to her growing headache. That and the bright lights of the bar.

Make it stop...it hurts...

She has to close her left eye because of the pain on that side of her head. It felt like her head was on fire. Y/n raises a hand to touch it, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but someone gently takes her wrist and moves her hand back down and away from her head.

She can't fight back, she can hardly move at all from the pain.

New people move into her blurry field of view. They were all in some sort of uniforms. One of them shines a light in her eyes, making Y/n squeeze both tightly shut and look away. The jerking movement causes her to wince as a fresh shot of pain is sent through her.

Someone reaches out and gently cups her cheek in their hand. It wasn't America's touch, but it was still kind. It was an obvious gesture of comfort from Philippines.

Philippines? You're still there...?

Her friend's voice was still audible in whatever conversations were happening around her, even if not understandable. Y/n was relieved for it.

She's suddenly lifted into the air. Y/n hadn't even been aware of them moving her onto the flat board that she now laid on. The lights of the bar disappear, only to be replaced with nearby flashing ones. They were red, and some blue. It's short lived, and bright lights soon appear overhead. 


Oh...the people in the uniforms are paramedics...right?

Y/n can feel someone take her hand again, undoubtably Philippines. She didn't know who else it could be. Plus, her friend's flag is unmistakable. 

Y/n had always like her flag.

"Y/n...can you hear me...?"

Although they're muffled, Y/n can finally make the words out.

"S...Stars..." She chokes out.

As much as she loved Philippines as a friend, Y/n needed America.

"Hold on..." Her friend says. 


Philippines pauses before finally realizing. 

"I'll call him," She says quickly. "I'll call America soon, just hang on for now, okay?"

Y/n whimpers in response. She squeezes her friend's hand weakly just to let her know that she heard. 

After that, the weakness begins taking over completely. Her hand slowly goes limp. Y/n didn't know what was happening anymore. Philippines desperately tries to get her attention again. But Y/n can't even respond, she can hardly hear at that. 

The rest of the trip is a blur. 

The lights suddenly become even brighter. More people start talking frantically. 

"She took a glass bottle to the head," 


"I need a trauma surgeon!" 

"Ma'am you can't come any further," 

"She's my friend!" 

"She needs to go into surgery," 

Y/n feels Philippines' hand slip from hers. She begins making panicked noises in an effortless attempt to get her friend back. But it's no use. 

A mask is placed over her face. Y/n was confused, she thought that she would have a bad concussion and some stitches at worst. Obviously that wasn't the case. 

After that, everything is dark. 

America was sitting at home and playing on his Nintendo Switch. As fun as it could be, he was slowly getting bored. 

Well, it had been almost two hours.

He missed Y/n. 

Maybe I should call...

He decides that he would seem too clingy and doesn't go for his phone. Instead, he puts a movie on. America is only a few minutes into it when his phone rings. 

When he picks his phone up, he expects it to be Y/n. To his disappointment, it's an unknown number. 

"Hello?" He says, expecting it to be some call related to the UN. 

"America!" It was Philippines. "Sorry I forgot my phone and I had to use the one at the-"

"Slow down," He says, pausing the movie and putting on a serious tone. "What's going on?"

Philippines takes a deep breath. 

"It's Y/n," 

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