4: Date

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The next morning, Y/n wakes up alone on the couch. She looks around, confused. She could have sworn that America had been there when she fell asleep. But there was no one. 

Y/n stayed with him in case he had another nightmare. It was the last thing she remembered. But her friend was no where in sight. 

"America?" She calls lazily. After no response, Y/n gets up and gets her phone. But before she can call him, she sees a note on the kitchen counter. 

Hey N/n! Sorry I had a meeting this morning that I almost forgot about. I hope I didn't wake you up when I left. I'll call you later 

- America :)

She lets out a small sigh of relief. At least he wasn't dead or anything. 

Y/n looks over at her laptop, which is sitting on the dining room table. She debates doing more work stuff, but settles on a cup of coffee and YouTube videos.

A few hours later, her phone rings. 

"Hiya Raine," Y/n answers. 

"Hey, N/n," Ukraine replies. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," She says. 

The truth was that she was still bitter over everything. Even with America's comfort, the pain wasn't about to go away in two days.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes," Y/n assures her. "I'm sure," 

"Alright..." Ukraine lets out a small sigh. "Just...call me if anything happens, okay?" 

"Okay. Bye Raine," 


Y/n hangs up. She sits on the couch for a moment before letting out a large annoyed groan. 

"I hate everything!" She yells. 

Go outside and take a walk...you're not allergic to sunlight or anything...it'll be good for you

Her subconscious had a point. 

Y/n grabs her coat and walks out of her apartment.

It was cold, much colder than it had been a few days ago. She zips her coat up further and starts walking towards the park.

As she walks she lets her thoughts wander. Russia was the first thing that came to her mind. Yes, he was one of her best friends, but he was still cold to her at times. It frustrated her that she couldn't get his attention no matter how hard she tried. 

He hadn't texted her since the night at the bar...not even a thank you...

But then there was America. America was outgoing and overall just super likable. It always seemed like he had a girl hanging off of both arms. But he always had time for Y/n, unlike Russia.

Huh...I never realized that before...

Someone behind her places a hand on her shoulder, pulling the girl from her thoughts. Out of instinct her elbow launches backwards and nails whoever it was. 

"Ow-! Sh*t!" 

Y/n spins around and sees that she's just elbowed America in the gut. He was doubled over and clutching his stomach in obvious pain. 

"Holy sh- Oh my god I'm so sorry!" She exclaims. Y/n puts her hands on his shoulder. "Stars are you okay?!"

"Y-Yeah..." He mutters. "Y-You're really strong..." 

"I'm sorry you just scared me and I panicked!" She says quickly. 

America recovers after a several moments and stands up straight again. Y/n apologizes the entire time and almost starts crying, but he assures her that he's okay. 

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