"So boys hows the tour going?" Ellen asked once we squeezed into the sofa.

"Good you know seeing our beautiful fans is always great." Zayn smiled into the audience.

"I heard you met Kim Kardashian backstage. How was it?"

"It was nice meeting her." Liam said while looking at me.

"Yea nice." I grumbled.

I can't believe Kim had the nerve to set me up with Kendall. No thank you I'll pass a thousand times. If we ever did date it'd feel like I was dating a teenage boy.

- - - -

"We've landed in North Carolina!" Louis yelled while getting off.

"Yea yea now shut up." I grumbled.

"Harry why you so grumpy?" Louis asked.

Before I could answer my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID. UNKNOWN. I decided to answer just in case it was something important.


"Yes hello are you Harold Styles?" A male voice said on the other line.

"It's Harry Styles but yes why?"

"I'm the Vice President of SONY and our CEO would like to talk to you today. If you could meet us in our North Carolina building at 3 we'd appreciate it. We'll see you in an hour Mr. styles." The line went dead before I could say anything.

I asked Paul to drop me off and he just nodded while the boys behind me looked confused.

Why did Claire need to talk to me?

- -

I stared up at the huge glass building in awe. I headed in and found an old lady at the front desk. I walked past her and headed up to the top floor. When the doors opened I was greeted by a guy who smiled at me.

"Mr. Styles this way." I followed and he led me in a conference room. There was a big chair that was turned around.

"CEO I'll be leaving now." The guy said and left. There was an akward silence at first until I decided to say something.

"Claire?" I asked and the chair turned around but instead of it being Claire I found myself facing her father.

"I'm sorry Harry I had to do such a thing, but I really needed to talk to you. Take a seat." He said while motioning to a chair.

"Why did you need me?" I said while I took a seat with caution.

"Well I'm sure you know of my daughters engagement to Ed Sheeran. In a few months she'll be Claire Sheeran. Has a nice ring doesn't it?" He smiled at me.

"I've been informed." I said weakly.

"Well you see I've been informed that you still have feelings for her so I called you here for this." He pulled out a stack of papers.

"What's this?" I said while flipping thru the pages.

"A contract. You see Harry I don't want you near my daughter but I can't do anything about it so I'm asking you to stay away from her. If you sign you promise to let her go and be happy with Ed. He's a nice and talented young man."

I stared at him for awhile to see if he was serious. Is he seriously going to make me sign a piece of paper. I know I've slapped her and done so many unforgivable things but like hell I'm giving up. I'm not letting Claire go that easily.

"No thank you and you don't have to worry about me getting in her way. I'll gladly stay away from your daughter." I lied and with that I left.

I can't believe he had the nerve to make me sign a contract. I mean really? People these days I swear but I guess it can't be helped.

When I got to our hotel I headed to my room and saw all the guys around the tv. I thought we had sound check or something?

"Uh aren't we suppose to be getting ready for sound check?" I asked confused as I saw the bowls of popcorn, soda, candy, pizza, and all the junkfood you can think of crowded around the coffee table we had.

"Oh they cancelled that for tomorrow so we have the day off." Niall said gladly as he munched on popcorn.

"And so were a having movie marathon?" I asked as I took off my shoes and headed to the couch.

"Nope you see two great things are happening today." Louis said happily.

"And that is?" I said while I went to sit beside Louis.

"Eds thinking out loud video and Claire's where are they now interview with Oprah." Zayn said without looking at me. Guess he's still mad at me.

"Eds video is coming on in a bit and after Claire's interview starts." Liam stated.

Great. So I'm guessing today's the day then. Is she going to announce her engagement? The worlds in for a big shock that's for sure, even the guys because they don't know about it either. During our screaming match they didn't hear an ounce of that part.

"YAYYY it's on!" Louis yelled like a child and he's the oldest. Go figure.

"Whoa sexy." Zayn said looking at the girl. "Wait. Eds going to dance?" He said as we looked at Ed getting closer to the girl.

Our eyes widened as we saw who the girl was.

"Is that Claire?" Louis said after he sprayed soda out from his mouth.

She looked good and I'm guessing Ian wasn't lieing when he said she took some dance lessons. She looked hot and very sexy but that didn't make me feel better. She wasnt mine anymore. Claire belonged to Ed now. The more that sunk into my brain the more it hurt just thinking about seeing her white.

An image of her walking down the aisle was in my mind. At the end there stood Ed and not me which hurt like a bitch. Things happen for a reason I guess.

"That. Was. Awesome." Zayn said smiling.

"Quick change the channel." Niall said.

"Up next Claire Woods on Where are they now? Claire sits with Oprah and talks about the beginning of her career to now. She talks about where she's been the past months and of course boys."

Guess this is it then. Honestly I don't really care if she talks bad about me but I just don't want everyone to know I slapped her. I deserve everything I'm guessing she's about to say about me.

That moment I didn't feel ready to hear the painful truth.

She's in his video. I changed the girl.

That Moment (Harry styles/Selena Gomez fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now