Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The VKS took Laveena to her castle. She was floating in her room.
"Where are they?" Evie asked.
"They should be-" Mal said.
She was cut off by a knock at the door. Jay walked to the door and opened it. Maleficent and Hades were standing in front of him. He smiles and steps out their way. Jay was about to close the door but Louis stopped him.
"Is the princess okay?" He asked, loudly, southern accent thick
He saw her floating and screamed.
"My poor princess she's floating, no!" Louis said.
He turned to Mal with worried eyes.
"Is she dead?"
Mal walked over to the alligator. She placed a hand on his arm.
"She's going to be fine." Mal reassured him. "Just breathe, try to calm down, and wait out in the hall. Me and my parents got this."
"After all this is my second time saving a princess." Hades said.
"Okay." Louis said fanning himself.
Louis walked out the room and closed the door behind him. The VKS can hear him crying loudly. He blew his nose.
"Poor thing." Evie said. "I'll go out there and comfort him."
Evie walks out the room. Mal on the other hand looked at her parents. She held her hand out for her father to grab. Hades grabbed his daughters hand and Maleficent hand. Maleficents and Mals eyes glowed green while Hades hair glowed blue.
"Wonderful wizard break out your dome and bring this princess home." Mal said.
"Wonderful wizard break out your dome and bring this princess home." Maleficent said.
"Wonderful wizard break out your dome and bring this princess home." Hades said.
"Wonderful wizard break out your dome and bring this princess home." They all said in unison.
Magic emerged from the family's joined hands and surrounded Laveena. The magic brought her to her bed and woke her up.
"You guys did it!" Celia said.
Laveena sat up and rubbed her head, groaning. She saw Mal.
"My Queen!" Laveena said. "What are you doing here, in my room?"
Mal opened her mouth to speak but she was interrupted.
"Princess!" Louis said, grabbing her and throwing her in the air.
Laveena laughed with joy.
"Hi, Louis." She said as the alligator sat her down.
"You saved her!" Evie said, walking into the room.
"Save who, what's going on?" Laveena asked.
"Princess Laveena." Mal said. "You were cursed with an old evil spell and you turned . . . evil."
Laveena gasped, shocked and hurt. She was a good girl and never wanted to cause damage. She even felt bad for the villains on the Isle of the Lost and wanted the barrier down, like Ben. So when she heard they Ben had brought over some villains she was excited but she was more excited when Mal brought down the barrier forever. Tears streamed down Laveenas face.
"Oh, don't cry, it's over now, . . . somewhat."
"What did I do?" Laveena asked.
"Let's not . . . focus on the past right now." Mal said slowly. "What's good now is the you are saved and there's no more evil going on."
"Now if you'll excuse us, we have some things to do." Jay said, opening the door.
Mal looked at Jay and smiled. She gave Laveena a hug.
"I'll see you around." Mal said.
The VKS then walked out the room and out Queen Tianas kingdom.

"Alright, so we don't know how to use the jewel and that's the only thing can reverse the curse of the staff." Mal said.
"A jewel?" Hades asked, his arm around Maleficent.
Mal turns to looked at her Dad. She nods.
"Well, . . . can I see it?"
Jay took out the jewel and have it to Hades.
"Oh, it's like my ember." Hades said, handing it back to Jay. "Listen kid, here's what you do."
Jay was listening to Hades really well, to make sure that he heard every word that came out of Hades mouth.
"When using this you have to let it become a part of you so you can control it, don't let you be apart of it cause then it'll control you, just relax and let it be a part of you." Hades explained. "Once you do that it will look deep into your soul and do what you please."
Jay nods, relaxing every muscle in his body. The jewel started to glow. The words 'let it be a part of you' echoed in Jays head. Jay starts to float and his eyes began to glow red. Jay felt the jewel and all its power flowing through him.
He then closed his fist around it and threw his fist in the air. All the bad things Laveena did started to fade. The jewel made a portal in the sky and the curses from the staff were sucked into the portal. Once everything was gone Jay floated back down to the ground.
"So that's what a blue sky looks like." Carlos said.
The gang laughed.
"We did it." Evie said, "Everything's back to normal."
Mal chuckles. "Alright now only one of us has to do something biig." Mal said.
The gang looked at Carlos.
"What?" He asked.
"I want some wedding cake!" Mal said.
"Alright, alright I'll go find her and ask her." Carlos said.
"Yay!" Mal said.
"Well I'm going to back to my home and start on our wicked genie outfits." Evie said.
She then walked off.
"Think I'm going spend time with you guys." Uma said.
"Same." Morgan said.
Jay looks at his watch.
"Ooh, I have to go meet Lonnie, so I'll see you guys later!" Jay said, running away.
"I'm going to go check on my Dad." Celia said.
Mal smiles and starts to walk to her castle.

When she got there she walked to the kitchen and saw a blue haired boy. Mal frowns.
"Who are you?" Mal asked.
The boy turned around.
"Come on Mal, you don't remember me?" The boy said.
Mal just looked at the boy.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you, Mal this is your brother." Hades said.
"I have a brother?" Mal asked.
Hades nodded.
"Full brother." Maleficent said.
"I'm sorry for being rude, lets start again." Mal said, walking towards the boy. "Hi, I'm Mal."
"Hello, I'm Hadie."
"Hadie, nice to meet you." Mal said, sticking out her hand.
Hadie looked at her hand and then back at her eyes.
"We both have green eyes." Hadie said.
He then hugged Mal. It took Mal by surprise but she hugged him back, laughing. After the hug Mal turned to Maleficent.
"Why didn't you tell me about him?"
"Well cause it was none of your business." Maleficent said.
Mal turned back to Hadie and Ben came into the room.
"Hi Mal." Ben said.
He saw Hadie.
"Who is-"
"My brother." Mal said.
"I thought-"
"I did too."
Ben walked to Hadie.
"King Ben." Hadie said, shaking Bens hand.
"Alright who wants some sandwiches?" Hades asked.
"Ooh, I do!" Mal said.
"Same." Hadie said.
"I could eat." Ben said.
Hades looked at Maleficent.
"I'm your wife." She said, walking out the kitchen with a glass of water.

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