Chapter Thirty-Five

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Mal and the rest of the gang entered her castle. Mal was tired.
"Alright, Jay do you have the lamp?" Mal asked.
"Yep!" Jay said, pulling the lamp out his pocket.
"Okay, so how do we get inside?" Carlos asked.
"Umm, that's a good question, Jay, can you answer that?" Mal asked.
"Erm . . ." Jay said.
He started to think. Quade sighed and pulled out his cards.
"Ever heard of a spell?" He said, flicking his wrist. "Or have we forgotten about . . ."
Quade picked a Queen.
"My dear queen I ask you to tell your guards to stall and help us go from big to small." Quade said.
The VKS started to shrink. Jay dropped the lamp when he turned small.
"Jay look out!" Mal yelled.
Jay looked up and saw the lamp (that was now huge) coming towards him.
"Woah!" Jay said running out of the way.
The lamp had finally landed and Jay got out of the way just in time.
"Thanks Mal." Jay said.
"You're welcome!" Mal said with a smile on her face.
Scarlet turned into a lion and began to climb the lamp. She made it to the top successfully. Scarlet then turned back into a human.
"Come on guys we have a mission to take care of!" Scarlet said.
The gang laughed and starts to climb the lamp.

Uma and Morgan were swimming the sea. They were headed towards Ursulas cave, which is where Morgana was headed to as well.
"Are they making another spell?" Uma mumbled.
"I hope not." Morgan said. "Because that's what lead to this mess!"
Uma and Morgan swam behind a rock and let Morgana enter the cave. When she entered the cave they swam to the entrance of the cave and started eavesdropping.
"Well done sister." Ursula said.
Ursula took the basket of sea plants that Morgana had collected and put it in a cauldron. Uma frowned. 'What are they making?' Uma wondered. Ursula began to stir in the cauldron and Morgana laughed as she rubbed her stomach.
"Ooh, this is going to be good." Morgana said.
"Oh-no, not another spell!" Morgan groaned.
"It is!" Ursula said her hair spiking laugh following after.
Morgan started to swim into the cave but Uma stopped him.
"Shh, stay hidden!" Uma whispered.
Morgan looked at Uma and thought about what he was going to do to his Aunt and Mother. He then floated back down to where Uma was.
"Besides they're probably just making-" Uma said.
"The soup is ready!" Ursula exclaimed.
The two cousins looked at each other. Morgana cheered as she swirled up into the water. She floated back down to where Ursula was.
"I have been dying to eat some of Mothers one of a kind soup!" Morgana said as she took a bowl of soup from Ursula. "Where did you lean how to make it?"
Ursula chuckled.
"Well since I was the favorite daughter she taught me everything I know." Ursula said.
Uma and Morgan started to laugh, trying to stay quiet. Uma then realized that Ursula was still wearing the necklace. Ugh!
"She's still wearing the necklace, how am I supposed to get it?" Uma asked.
"Like. This." Morgan said.
Morgan's bracelet began to glow and a colony of shrimp came. Morgan directed the shrimp to circle around Ursula to distract her while some of the other shrimp takes off her necklace and bring it to him and that's exactly what they do. When the shrimp came back they handed Morgan the necklace.
"Wow, that's cool!" Uma said.
Morgan smiles.
"I know, now let's go!" He said.
The two then swim to the surface and change back into a human.

"This place is amazing!" Evie said, admiring all the gold in the lamp.
She then realized the wickedly new cool outfits they were all wearing. They were way past genie chic!
"And these outfits are to poison for!" Evie added.
"There's so much . . . gold in here!" Celia exclaimed, letting some gold chains tickle her fingertips.
"Yeah, that's what my Dad was obsessed with." Jay said.
Mal approached a door and she opened it. The door lead to a tiny room full of jewels and diamonds. Mals eyes widened.
"Hey you guys I found something!" Mal said. The gang walked over to where Mal was.
"What is it?" Jay asked opening the door a little wider.
His eyes widened and Mal noticed which means she didn't have to explain to him what she found . . . he basically seen it for himself. On the other hand Celia's jaw dropped.
"Are all those jewels and diamonds real?" Celia asked.
"Yeah . . . think so." Jay said, trying not to cry.
"You do realized that some of this is-" Mal said before being cut off.
"I know." Jay said quickly.
"Oh, oh-kay." Mal said.
She enters the room and approaches the huge mountain of diamonds and jewels.
"Hey Jay do you know what the jewel looks like?" Mal asked.
"Huh?" Jay asked, still staring at the mound of of jewels.
"We need to find the jewel to undo Laveenas evilness." Celia said, putting some gold and diamonds in her pockets.
She walks into the room and grabs some of the loose jewels and diamonds and puts them in her pocket.
"I know it's too soon but daddy I think I found my fortune!" Celia said.
Jay was still stunned when he entered the room. The place could pay for every kids college tuition. Jay picked up a jewel and magic surrounded the VKS.
"Uh, what's going on?" Carlos asked.
"Jay!" A raspy voice whispered.
Jay frowned and looked around.
"Who is it?" Jay asked.
The magic started to twirl around the VKS.
"Jay!" The voice said.
The magic then took a jewel off the top of the pile of jewelry and gave it to Jay.
"I believe this is what you were looking for." The voice said.
Jay took the jewel and looked around questioningly.
"Mom?" Jay asked.

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