Chapter Three

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Carlos was headed to his mothers house when he was done shopping for rings. The good thing is he found a ring for his mother, the bad news is he didn't find one for Jane. Cruella's ring was a magic ring that changed from black to a whitish grey color. When he turned the corner he ran into a dog that was running away from Cruellas home. Carlos could tell by looking in its eyes that it was terrified. Carlos took a breath.
"Home sweet home." Carlos mumbled.
Carlos walked up on the porch and knocked on the door. Cruella peeped through the door hole before opening the door.
"Carlos!" She yelled when she realized who it was.
She began to unlock the door as fast as she could.
"Hi mom." Carlos said when the door opens. "Can I come in?"
"Yes, yes come in!" Cruella said.
Carlos smiled as he walked into his old home. He looked around. Everything looked the same to him, which sent sweet chills down his back.
"Do you have my ring?" Cruella asked, sitting at the dinner table.
Carlos held up the bag in his hand and sat it on the dinner table.
"Ooh yay!" Cruella said before snatching the bag into her possession.
She quickly took out the ring and looked at it. When she saw it the smile on her face quickly disappears.
"Uh, Carlos what's this?" Cruella asked.
"The ring you wanted." Carlos replies.
Cruella nods as if she finally understood what was happening. She looked back at the ring. It was turning black.
"Uh, why is it changing . . . color?"
"It's a magic ring." Carlos explained. "What exactly did you need me for?"
"Oh yes!" Cruella said jumping up. "To fluff my furs and wash my new fur coat, over there."
Carlos looked in the direction Cruella was pointing at. There in the corner of the living room was a mannequin wearing a black fur coat with white spots in various places. Carlos was impressed by it.
"Now get to it!" Cruella demanded.
Carlos sighed just when he thought he had freedom.

Now that Evie knows what she's sewing for Jane she can finally get to the fun part . . . sewing! Evie was at her desk sewing together two pretty blue patterns. She had been sewing for hours upon hours, without anything to eat. That's when Doug came into the room.
"Hey." Doug said.
"Hey." Evie said without looking up from her sewing machine.
She took a needle out of her mouth and sat it to the side. Doug admires how hard working Evie was but sometimes it could be a pain in the butt to him because he would always have to tell her that she's working too hard and she needs to take a break. Doug took a sip of his water before walking closer to Evie. He stopped the sewing machine.
"Hey!" Evie yelled, looking up at Doug.
"Why don't you come and eat some pizza with me . . . it's homemade." Doug said.
Evie looks at Doug.
"You know how to make homemade pizza?" She asked.
"My father is Dopey and he spent a lot of time with Snow White and she taught him and my uncles a lot about how to cook certain meals." Doug explained. "And so that valuable information is transferred from his brain to my brain."
"What a story." Evie said followed by a chuckle. 
Doug just smiled and Evie's stomach growled. She grabbed her stomach.
"I guess a slice or two wouldn't hurt." Evie said getting up.
"Come on." Doug said.
Doug took Evie's hands and took her to the kitchen and they began to eat pizza. Evie took a bite of her slice.
"Oh my goodness!" Evie said, wiping her mouth. "This is really good." She said.
Doug smiles.
"Why thank you, my queen." Doug said.
Evie looks at Doug with a smile on her face. All those years on the Isle she though she needed a prince, but now that she's in Auradon she knows that she was wrong.

Scarlet jumped over old trash cans and climbed brick walls and made her way to The Queen of Hearts castle. Since Scarlet was an old visitor she didn't have to knock at the front door, all she had to do was use her special climbing abilities and sharp claws to climb up the castle to Quades (the seventeen year old son of the scary heart queen) room and that's exactly what she did. When she got to Quades balcony she flapped open his red velvet curtains and walked into his room. His room was dark and gloomy which means that he's in a dark and gloomy mood. Scarlet noticed The Prince of Hearts laying on his back on his black and red bed.
"Aww, what's wrong prince, cat scratch your feelings?" Scarlet asked.
Quade was staring up at his black ceiling.
"What's up, Scar." Quade said.
Scarlet gave Quade a look, a look that was not a good look.
"I mean Scarlet." Quade quickly corrected himself.
If there was one thing Scarlet hated the most it was to be called Scar, I mean that's exactly what her fathers name is and calling her Scar is like telling a princess that she's not going to marry a Prince Charming. Scarlet folded her arms across her chest and sat next to Quade.
"So what did the cat scratch this time?" Scarlet asked.
"My mom has been working me for a long time and I'm just . . . tired." Quade said before taking a deep breathe.
Scarlet chuckled a little.
"What happened to your sucky servants?" Scarlet asked.
Quade sat up.
"Ever since the barrier came down they ran off and became servants for the Kings and Queens of Auradon."
"Ouch!" Scarlet said. "Ditched for meaningful royalty."
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Quade asked.
"Nothing, nothing." Scarlet said in defense.
It was silent for a looong moment, that's when Scarlet has came up with a great idea.
"Hey, I have a great idea!" Scarlet said, standing up, a smirk on her face.
Scarlet grabs Quades wrists and pulls him up. She begins to dance a little.
"What?" Quade groaned.
"Let's go get ice cream and after we eat our ice cream we can go toilet paper Cruellas house." Scarlet said.
Now that was a brilliant idea! Quade smiles.
"Sounds like a plan." Quade said.
He grabbed his bright red leather jacket and walks to his bedroom door. He cracks it open and says;
"Hey mom! I'm going to be out with Scarlet, be back in a few!"
The Queen of Hearts didn't answer. Quade shuts his door and walks over to Scarlet, who's leg was hanging off the balcony.
"She doesn't care, huh?" Scarlet asked.
"Nope, now lets go!" Quade said putting on his jacket.
Scarlet laughed as she jumped down from the balcony and her and her best friend began to make their way to the ice cream shop.

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