Chapter Seventeen

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Mal and Evie were in Jafars shop looking around.
"You know I really don't feel comfortable doing this." Evie said.
"Yeah, well we have to." Mal said, putting down some weird statue of her father.
Ugh, he was soo self absorbed!
"Yeah, but I feel like Jay should be with use, I feel like we're back to our old days we're we would steal from people." Evie explains.
"So you stole from people back in the day." Mal said.
". . . Y-y-yes." Evie hesitated. "But that was the right thing to do on the Isle."
"It. Still kind of . . . is." Mal said.
Mal touches a blue ball with blue smoke in it and the floor below her disappears and she falls through. She is then trapped in a cage.
"Mal!" Evie yelled.
Evie ran to the edge of the floor and looked down. She saw Mal trapped in a cage surrounded by blue fire.
"Mal are you okay?" Evie asks.
"Yeah, I think so." Mal replies.
Mals eyes turns green and she turns into a dragon. When she became a dragon the cage became very small. The bars also started to burn her wings. Mal roared in pain and turned back into a human.
"What?!" Evie asked panicked. "What's wrong?!"
"The bars, they burnt my wings." Mal replies.
"Just wait I'll see if I can help!" Evil yells.
"Okay, hurry, please!" Mal says.
While Evie went throughout the store to find something to help lift the cage Mal was thinking of a spell that could help set her free. Evie found a box full of trinkets. She grabbed it and begins to look through it. Nothing! Curses!

Jay, Carlos, Quade, and Scarlet were watching the people on the Isle, listening to their conversations, using a listening device Carlos created when he was fifteen. They were up in an old factory type building looking down at the people.
"Anything?" Jay asked Quade.
Jay looks at Scarlet. She wasn't using one of the listening devices Carlos created she was using her amazing cat ears to listen.
"Nothing." Scarlet says.
"This is hopeless!" Jay shouts. "My father is just so secretive it drives me insane!"
"Hey, lets not get all worked up now, just give it some time." Carlos says. "Things don't just happen out of thin air."
"Yeah, lets not give up already." Scarlet said.
She then mumbles;
"Not that I wouldn't mind."
"Be a good kitty." Quade said.
"Look, there's Carlos!" Someone shouts from the ground.
Scarlet sears perked up.
"Hey guys shut up!" Scarlet yells.
Scarlet looks at Carlos and realizes that Carlos is sitting in a window sill, visible to the people.
"Carlos get out of the window!" Scarlet whisper shouts.
Carlos looks at Scarlet as he walks away from the window.
"What's going on?" Jay asked.
Scarlet starts to listen again.
"What should we do?"
"Go tell Princess Laveena."
"Okay I'll do that, while you keep an on him."
Scarlet stop listening to the boys conversation.
"Some boys saw Carlos in the window and now they're going to go tell Laveena that Carlos is here." Laveena explains. "They think he's here alone and one of the boys is outside keeping an eye on their place. You guys . . . we have to go."

"And how do you know this?" Uma asked.
"Do they not have . . history books at Serpent Prep?" Dr. Facilier asked.
"They do it's just that the authors of the books don't stalk other people for a living." Uma replies.
"You have a fair point." Dr. Facilier said.
Uma smiles like an evil plan she had made happened perfectly.
". . . Well anyways I've never heard her say anything about this . . . curse." Uma said.
"No but my mother has." Morgan said. "But we need to find the magical seashell to break the spell Laveena's under."
Uma groans.
"Great so now we have to find a seashell and some jewel in the scorching sand?" Uma says.
Grouchy much!
"I believe so." Morgan said.
The VKS heard something happen in the hall. They looked at each other. Celia runs to the door opens it and pokes her head out. It was just some boys and girls roughhousing.
"Is everything alright?" Dr. Facilier asked.
"Yes." Celia said.
"Okay look you guys have to go because as you all heard you and they rest of your gang is not supposed to be here." Dr. Facilier said.
"Daddy what do you suggest we do?" Celia asked.
Dr. Facilier grabs his daughters shoulders and makes her face him.
"Go to Auradon, figure out a plan to stop Laveena without being caught."
"That's sounds like a great idea." Uma said, walking past the two.
Uma was then pushed into some lockers by Gaston Junior.
"Hey shrimpy, what are you doing here." He asked.
"Mind your business muscles." Uma said.
Uma tried to walk away but Gaston Junior grabs Umas wrist.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked. "Once a dragon, always a dragon."
Uma looks at Morgan and he looks at her, both confused.
What does that mean?
"Gaston let her go." Celia said.
"Or what, little giiirl?" Gaston Junior asked.
Celia steps into the little light that was coming in and her shadow appeared. Gaston Junior gulps and he lets Uma go.
"Sorry, C-C-Celia." He said, backing away. "There's no need for that."
Celia smiles and Gaston Junior walks away. Uma looks at Celia.
"My shadow scares the eggs out of him so I use that to boss him around sometimes." Celia explains.
Uma laughs as she wraps her arm around Celia and walks out of Dragon Hall, with Morgan following. Now they just have to find the rest of the gang and rethink their plan. What will the plan be . . . no one knows. At least . . . not yet. 

Mal was still wrecking her brain for a spell but she just couldn't think of one. Evie on the other hand had the whole store looking like a tornado had came and destroyed the place. Evie movies a box of miniature mirrors and a jumps towards her face. Evie screams as she ducks out the way.
"Everything okay?" Mal asked.
"Yes, I'm fine, what about you?" Evie replies.
Mal looks around.
"The fire has grown but other than that I'm fine!" Mal yelled.
Then with a flash of magic Mal and Evie we're back at Mals castle, along with Jay, Carlos, Quade, and Scarlet.
"How did that happen?" Evie asked.
Morgan shakes his bracelet.
"Sea magic." He said. "It's awesome isn't it?"
"I life savor." Evie and Mal mumbles in unison.
"Look we need to come up with a bigger plan!" Uma said matter-of-factly. "Because now we have to find a magical seashell . . ."

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