Chapter Twenty-Three

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When the VKS got to the Isle they headed straight to Jays place. It was weird being on the Isle when no one can see you. For Uma it was normal because she was forgotten once upon a time.
"This side of the Isle is dry." Uma whispered to Mal.
"Yeah well we're all not made for the water." Mal whispers back.
Eventually the VKS made it to Jays place. The place was . . . let's just say, it left you speechless. Uma tried to hold back her laugh.
"You used to live here?" Uma asked.
Jay nods. He walks up to the front door and opens it and lets be honest the place looks a lot better than when Jay used to live here. 
"Woah." Jay mumbled.
"This place looks different." Evie said.
Carlos bumped into a shelf and he accidentally knocked down a box of old toasters. The thundering sound of them falling scared the VKS. They all turned around and looked at Carlos. Carlos looked at his friends with panic written all over his face.
"Sorry." Carlos said.
The VKS then started to look around. It had seemed like forever before they had got any clues. That's when Jay remembered that when he was little one night his father came home from a meeting with someone he really can't remember who it was with. Anyways his father had a lamp in his hand. He remembered being really attracted to the shiny gold lamp.
In fact he was so attracted to it he asked Jafar if he could have it and of course Jafar said no. Since Jay was on the Isle of the Lost and didn't know what was right and what was wrong he stole the lamp when Jafar was asleep. He didn't know what it did and he remembered it had the letter J engraved into it. Wait . . . that must've been Jafars genie lamp! Jay ran over to the shelf he used to sleep under and laid down.
His eyes lined up with the holes in the shelf and he had a flash back.

Jay about six and a half. It was noon and Jafar had decided to take a nap. Jay had been looking for the lamp. He believed when he stole that night his father had took it back when he had fallen asleep. Jay walked behind his fathers register and kicked a broken clock.
He sighed. Where could that lamp be? Then someone came into the store, waking up Jafar. Jafar ran from the back of the store to the register, knocking Jay down on his knees.
"Hello, how may I be of service?" Jafar said.
Jafar was wearing a long golden coat and when Jay up he saw the lamp shimmering in the pocket of the coat. Jay tried to grab it but Jafar had walked away, trying to make the customer buy something from him. After that day Jay had never seen the lamp again. He had also never seen his father wearing that golden coat again either.

So that must mean . . . the lamp is in that golden jacket. Jay got up in a rush. Mal and the rest of the gang looked at him, confused.
"Everything alright, man?" Carlos asked.
"I found the lamp." Jay said a few seconds later.
"Really?" Mal asked, walking towards Jay. "Well . . . where is it?"
"Well that's the problem." Jay said.
Jay looked down a long dark hallway, full of shelves.
"I'll be back." Jay said, slowly.
He then slowly walked down the hallway. But before it became too dark Jay grabbed a candle and some matches. He then lit the candle and walked finished walking down the hallway. He got to the closet where his father used to store his clothes. Jay opens the door and a few bats came charging at Jay.
Luckily he ducked down in time or he'd be batted up! When he stood up all the way he pulled a chain which turned on a light. Thank goodness Jafars clothes are still in here. Jay begins to look through the clothes. After looking through every piece of clothing Jay lost hope.
Jay shuts the closet door and walks back to the front of the place. Mal was looking at him.
"Jay . . . what's going on, are you okay?" Mal asked.
"The last place I remember seeing the lamp is in a golden coat." Jay said, looking at the ground.
He was confused. Out of all the things Jafar sold clothes was never one of them.
"A golden coat?" Quade asked.
Jay nods, eyes still glued to the ground.
"I remember my mom having guest over on day while you four were brought over to Auradon and she had invited Jafar." Quade said.
"So what are you trying to say?" Uma asked, looking at a clock.
She then put the clock down and looked at Quade.
"After Jafar left she had a piece of new clothing." Quade said. "And it was a golden coat."
"So the lamp is over your house?" Carlos said.
Quade holds up a finger.
"Castle, don't confuse it with a house, I'm the Prince of Hearts, okay?" Quade said. "And yes I do believe the lamp is at my castle."
"Should we go over there and check?" Mal asked.
The a little magic started to surround the VKS. Thankfully it was only for like three seconds.
"What was that?" Morgan asked.
Quade pulled out his cards.
"It's the spell I used, it's wearing off." Quade said. "Do we have to move fast! So are coming to my castle or not, we don't have time to be waisted."
"Wait how long until the spell wears off?" Uma asked.
Quade looked at the king card he used to turn him and the VKS invisible.
"Until the entire card is red and right know it only looks like one tenth of it is red." Quade replies.
"Let's go." Mal said.
The VKS put everything put down everything they had in their hands and walked out. Mal was leading the VKS until she realized that she didn't know where Quade lived.
"Wait, where is your castle?" Mal asked.
Scarlet smiles as Quade starts to lead the way.
"You know you can't always lead everyone right?" Scarlet said to Mal before catching up to Quade and putting her arm around his neck.

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