Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Let's go check my room." Quade said to Scarlet.
Scarlet puts down a black dress and follows Quade to his room. When the two get to the room Scarlet lays down on Quades bed.
"I'm hungry!" Scarlet groans.
Quade walks to his princely desk and opens a drawer. There inside it was a half eaten sandwich. He grabbed it and threw it to Scarlet. It landed on her stomach.
"Hey!" Scarlet yelled, looking at Quade.
She then picks up the sandwich and realizes what it is. She unwrapped it with hungry eyes.
"Thanks!" Scarlet said.
"You left it here a few weeks ago." Quade said.
Scarlet smiles as she takes a bite of her sandwich.
"Mmm, the mustard is warm and almost rotten." Scarlet said.
Quades stomach got bubbly hearing about that. Ever since Scarlet was little she had always enjoyed rotten food and don't get her wrong she does enjoy fresh food as well. Quade walked to his closet and opens it. He was a fan of red and black with tiny bits of gold clothes unlike his mother. But ever since The Queen of Hearts was imprisoned here she was always (what she called) stress shopping.
Quade was about to close his closet when he saw something pure gold. The grabbed the piece of clothing and realized that they were a pair of shredded gold jeans with chains in various places. Wicked! He put them back and closed his closet. The trip to his room was a waste of time. . . . Or was it.
When Quade closed his closet door he heard someone yell. That's when he realized that Morgan and Uma were up here. Quade ran to the door and peeped out into the hallway. There he saw Morgan and Uma. Quade ran toward them.
"No, don't!" Quade said.
Uma turns around and looks at Quade.
"What?" Uma asked. "This is your mothers room right?"
"Yes, but don't you know she's from wonderland and if you enter this door you will fall into a pit without a bottom?" Quade said.
"Yeah I accidentally fell into there and it wasn't fun, I thought I was going to have my tenth birthday in there." Scarlet said, finishing up her sandwich.
"How did you get out?" Morgan asked.
"Long story." Scarlet replied, licking her fingers.
Quade pushes Uma and Morgan to the side and closes the door. On the side of the door was a keypad. But the keypad didn't have numbers or anything a normal keypad would have, it had hearts, queens, kings, diamonds, and spades. Quade pressed a bunch of keys before opening the door again and this time when he opened the door it lead to a beautiful red . . . hearted bedroom. There was no doubt that it was fit for a queen.
"Woah." Uma said as she entered the room.
"This place is cleaner than Moms place on this rock." Morgan said.
Quade lets the sea cousins explore the room while he went to his mothers closet. When he opens the closet a box falls and thankfully he moved out the way. The big boom made Uma and Morgan stop what they were doing. They both looked at Morgan.
"Everything good?" Morgan asked.
Quade looked at the box.
"Yeah." He replied.
Quade then looks back at the closet. For some reason the closet was color coded . . . unlike the ones downstairs. To the left we're red clothes in the middle were black clothes and to the right were golden clothes. On the door was a few of The Queen of Hearts white clothes, mainly scarves. Quade went to the golden section of the closet and begins to to look through it. Some of the clothes were so bright all Quade seen was a yellow tint everywhere he looked. He looked through all the gold clothes and found nothing.
"This is hopeless!" Quade says.
Scarlet then begins to smell something. The smell brought her back to her childhood.
"Do you guys smell that?" Scarlet asked.
"Smell what?" Uma asked.
"A weird smelling scent."
Morgan, Uma, and Quade looked at each other.
"Scarlet you're a cat, you have better smelling abilities than us." Quade said.
"The smell reminds me of when I first met Jafar." Scarlet said, ignoring Quade.
Scarlet sniffs the air.
"And it's near." Scarlet said. "Which means something that once belonged to Jafar is in this room."
Scarlet got on her knees and the smell became stronger. She moved to the box that had fell out of the closet. She tried to open the box but couldn't.
"Quade can you open the box?" Scarlet asked.
Quade got on his knees and turned the box so the keypad in front of him. He in tapped a few hearts and diamonds and the box flew open. It was full of clothes. Scarlet dove into it and quickly came in contact with the bottom of the box. When she came out the box she had the golden coat they were looking good for. Quade snatches the coat from her.
"You found it!" Quade said.
"Rad." Uma said.
Quade hugs Scarlet and runs out the room. He ran downstairs and found Jay.
"Is this it?" Quade asked.
Jay stood up from the floor. He took the coat from Quade and examined it.
"Yes this is the one." Jay said with a smile.
"Alright is the lamp in there?" Mal asked.
Jay checked the pockets.
"No." He said.
Mal groaned.
"That's because it's right here." Uma said walking down the stairs with the lamp in her hand.
Jay took the lamp from Uma and looked at it. It had Jafars initials engraved on the side of it. A smile grew on Jays face.
"That's it?" Mal asked.
"Yeah." Jay said.
"Alright let's go back to my place where it's safe." Mal said.
"And before the spell wears off." Celia said.
"Right." Evie mumbles.
Now that the VKS have found what they need (for now) they headed back to Mals place to find the jewel they need to undo Laveenas spells. It's a step closer to ending this evilness!

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