Chapter Fourteen

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"It looks like we're in Chernabogs layer." Evie said looking around.
"Yeah this place does look familiar." Uma said.
"Great you've been here how do we get out?" Quade asked.
"Well, the walls isn't full of real lava so we can just find a part of the bridge that is closer to the wall and we'll leave like that." Mal said.
"Sounds good." Evie mumbled.
Morgan was ahead of the gang and had already found a way for them to get out the layer. But there was a problem. Before he could touch the wall the VKS were taken back to the bridge that connected Auradon and The Isle of the Lost.
"Huh." Morgan said. "That's weird."
"This is great!" Mal said.
Mal began to walk to the Isle with her friends following her. Mal walked confidently until she bumped into something invisible.
Uma looked at the Isle confused.
"What the . . ."
Uma walked to the isle and stuck her hand out. She felt something invisible too.
"Uh . . . what's this?" She asked.
The rest of the gang was confused. They walked to the Isle entrance and touch the invisible object.
"I don't know." Carlos said.
"You don't suppose the dome is back up . . . do you?" Evie asked.
"It can't be!" Mal said.
The VKS saw Laveena. Laveena smiles evilly and waves. She then uses the staff to try to zap the VKS but the invisible thing protected them. Uma watches the magical zap do its thing and realized that it was cracking the object, but when Laveena stoped the object healed itself.
"Mal . . . I'm afraid that the dome is back up." Uma said.
"Well I didn't tell them to put the dome back up!" Mal says.
"I know." Uma says.
Mal sighs and begins to walk back to Auradon.
"Where are you going?!" Jay asks.
"To talk to Ben!" Mal replies.

When Mal gets to her castle she discovers that Ben isn't there. She then journeyed to Belle and King Adams castle. She was greeted by Cogsworth as well.
"My Queen." He said bowing.
Mal bows too.
"Hello Cogworth is Ben here?" Mal asked.
"Yes he's-"
Before Cogworth could finish his sentence he was interrupted by Ben.
"Mal!" Ben yells.
Ben runs up to Mal and hugs her.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah . . . why?" Mal asked.
"Well I haven't seen or heard from you for a long time so . . ." Ben said.
"I'm fine, but I do have a question." Mal said.
Ben looked excited to answer Mals question.
"Go on." He said.
". . . Did you put the barrier back up?"
It was silent for a long moment.
"Um. . . yes, but it's only temporarily!" Ben said. "For the safety of Auradon."
"Well the VKS and I are going to need it down so we can put a stop to this madness." Mal said.
Ben looks at Cogsworth who just simply shrugs. The old man then went on with his business.
"Um . . . Mal I cant bring the barrier down, but I can give you the new remote." Ben said carefully.
Mal holds her hand out. Ben looks at her hand and then back up at her.
"Well I have to get it from Fairy Godmother." Ben said.
Mal puts her hand down.
"Can you please hurry!" She said sounding anxious.
Ben nods and walks further into the castle. After a few moments of waiting (impatiently) Ben comes back with the new remote for the barrier.
"Her you go." He said.
"Thank you." Mal said taking the remote from Ben.
Mal then begins to walk away.
"Be safe!" Ben yells after her.
Mal salutes to Ben without turning around, it was her way of say 'Rodger that'.

Meanwhile Laveena was exploring the Isle of the Lost and discover Dragon Hall. Laveena walks through the new black gates and into the school. She was greeted by a happy student dressed in . . . rags.
"Hello there, you must be new here, I'm Sav." The girl said.
Laveena just looks at the girl while the girl had her hand out ready for Laveena to shake it. Laveena smiles and the cobras eyes on the staff begins to glow red. The girls eyes turned red.
"Hello master, how may I be of service?" Sav said.
"Go get me something to drink!" Laveena ordered.
"My pleasure!"
The poor girl then went off to the Cafeteria.
"You there!" Dr. Facilier yells from down the hall. "You are not a student here!"
Laveena just looks at Dr. Facilier and he does the same. He frowns.
"You look familiar." He said.
Celia peeps out from behind a broken wooden door.
"Hey, are you Queen Tianas daughter?" Dr. Facilier asked.
Laveena twisted the staff and magic started to fly towards Dr. Faciler.
"No!" Celia yells.
Celia moves quickly into the light and her shadow descended from her and made itself into a shield, shielding Dr. Facilier from the powerful magic.
"No!" Laveena growls. 
Celia runs to her father to check on him.
"Are you okay?" Celia asked.
"Yeah I'm fine sweetheart." Dr. Facilier replies. "When did you learn how to do that?"
Dr. Faciler was referring to Ceilas shadow. She smiles, proudly.
"When Chernabog wanted those three items." Celia said.
Celias shadow then returned to her side. Celia looked at it. It was smiling. Laveena raised the staff up high and then bangs it on the floor, cursing everyone in the school. Luckily Celia and Dr. Facilier ran into his office and Dr. Facilier called his friends from the other side to protect him and his daughter.
"Is everything going to be okay?" Celia asked.
"I don't know, uh, I think it's best for you to go back to your dorm room in Auradon." Dr. Facilier said.
Celia nods and climbs out her fathers office window. She carefully ran through the Isle until she go to the exit. She tried to exit but the dome stopped her. Celia looked up . . . worried. Was the barrier back up for good? And if so how is magic getting through the dome?

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