Chapter| 6

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Upon entering the strange planet's atmosphere, which had been identified as 'Earth', Megatron immediately set his sights on finding energon deposits in order to fill his growing need for resources. That task alone occupied him for several Earth hours, during which he worked with Soundwave and organized mining squadrons to deploy in the mines that had already been established. Once that was finished, however, he found himself with nothing left to do but supervise his troops.

The silver warlord strode down the halls of the Nemesis, hands folded behind his back. Occasionally, a Vehicon patrol would pass by and offer a quick salute, to which he'd nod and continue onward. In the back of his mind, the thought of the sparkling was still there. He'd been ignoring it for quite some time, but it still wouldn't leave him alone. How could something so tiny and pathetic be taking up so much space in his mind? It aggravated him.

To get his mind off of such trivial things, Megatron decided to head to the refueling center to fetch his ration of energon. Being busy meant that he hardly had time for such things, but today was an exception. A strange one, at that. The warlord ignored the Vehicon troopers that were there and went straight for the cubes that were stacked against the wall.

Grasping one in his claws, he turned to leave when a silver frame caught his optic. He frowned as Starscream came into view. His frown deepened when he noticed that the seekerling was with him, obviously enjoying itself. With jealousy growing in his spark, he lumbered over to the seeker to investigate.

Starscream had been preoccupied with watching the sparkling until he noticed Megatron coming towards him. He tensed up out of instinct and wrapped his arm protectively around the seekerling. Though, he couldn't help but allow a sly smirk to creep across his features. He knew Megatron was jealous just by the look on his face.

"Wipe that smirk from your face before I do it for you." Megatron said, a growl rumbling deep within his chassis as he sat down.

The fact that he was sitting so close to the seeker without lashing out at him was an incredible thing to witness, but the Vehicons were smart enough to keep their prying optics elsewhere in fear of being on the receiving end of the warlord's wrath. The warlord took a sip from his cube, his blazing optics eventually landing on the seekerling as it toyed with the armor on Starscream's forearm.

"Why does it like you so much?" The warlord hissed.

Now it was Starscream's turn to frown, obviously offended by that comment. "For your information, he's a mech. Not an object." He said, venom lacing his tone. "He likes me because I'm actually caring for him. Also, his name is Hailstorm." He winced when Hailstorm's claws pinched a spot between his armor and he had to pry him off. ::No. Be gentle.:: He scolded the little seekerling, who whined and kept trying to claw him.

Megatron raised an optic ridge, a mix of emotions washing over him. The one that overpowered them all was anger, as usual, and he let out a loud growl. "You named it without my knowledge? I found it, therefore it should be my decision as to what happens to it!"

"It's not like you showed any interest in taking care of him! Weren't you the one that told me to do what I wished with him?" Starscream sharply retorted, flaring his wings. The look that crossed Megatron's face was almost enough to make him laugh, but he held it in. "Your words, not mine! He deserved a name, so I gave one to him."

Megatron was silent for a moment, apparently in denial. Although he refused to admit it, Starscream did have a point. He had originally shown no interest in caring for the little scrap, but now that it was starting to like Starscream, he felt the need to intervene because he was jealous. He wouldn't be caught dead admitting that, though.

Letting a strained sigh filter through his clenched denta, he forced himself to relax and took another sip from his energon cube. "When I learn how to take care of that little thing, you will give him to me."

Starscream looked appalled, but rolled his optics. "I'd be happy to give him to you, once you learn how to properly care for him." He scoffed. "I'm not going to teach you a thing. Learn on your own."

"You are going to teach me, Starscream, whether you like it or not." Megatron hissed dangerously, baring his jagged denta at the seeker. Starscream's attitude was getting on his nerves.

Starscream swallowed an insult he was going to throw at the warlord and backed down instead. Why must he always be forced to do things for Megatron that the warlord could easily do himself?

"Fine. But you have to listen to everything I say." He muttered, shaking his helm.

While Megatron didn't like the idea of having Starscream basically ordering him around, he wanted to have Hailstorm. That seekerling was his and his alone. He reluctantly grunted in agreement and finished off his cube. This was going to be interesting...


Megs is finally gonna learn how to be a dad!

Honestly, though, he's acting like an actual sparkling who isn't getting its way XDDD

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