Facing my fears like a dauntless

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We arrive in the fear simulation room. Jack hooks  some wires up to me and one to him. We both drink the test serum. And we head in. Suddenly were the top of 100 story building, at the ledge, but we're not on the building we're on a wire that stretches on this building to another building and we have to get across.The divergent we are fighting this would just be to jump but dauntless way would be to run to the other side says Jack.As we start running it looks like the wire going to twist and we are going to end up on the ground. But it doesn't we survived and we make it to the other side. Now for my next fear the water tank. The water fills up slightly on my toes, I can see it coming from a pipe, in order to stop it I stuff my jacket in my shoes inside of the pipe the water stops and I wake up, Jack's there beside me he's very proud of what I did. He gives me a kiss on the cheek, and he says I like you. I finally have my good mood and I run into the dining hall. Elizabeth looked at me like I am never seen before, she said wow your in a good mood. I responded with well yeah I guess. Tomorrow is review of fighting, every one will fight me because I am 1 on the scoreboard.....

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