The Aptitude Test

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The day has finally come. The aptitude test. Hello, my name is Natalie. Natalie Bertice. I am adopted into Abnegation and I am taking the aptitude test today. This is the test that is supposed to tell me where I belong. So we arrived at the aptitude center. Our founders built Best place to take ours tests. And there it went my name was called to take my test.I walk into the room for my test. It was covered in mirrors, I'm not allowed to look in the mirror. My test watcher is named Elizabeth, she is a candor. She tells me to drink the serum, so I do. And suddenly she was gone and I was all alone. I look around me and there's a dog a big one, it look like it was ready to attack before I heard one word. Choose.Choose before it's too late. It was too late The items were gone, and there was a dog it look like it was about intact me the last time this happened I just bent down. So I just followed my memory and that's exactly what I did, suddenly the rough dog was a puppy, and then there was a little girl she was running to me saying puppy I want to pet your puppy. The dog turned into the wicked kind once again. The dog started running after the girl so I ran after the dog and trampled it. Suddenly it was gone and there was a man. The man showed me a picture and said if you know this man you could save me kept repeating it but I refused I told him I didn't know anything. And then the test was over. Elizabeth pulled me over to the corner and said don't tell me one.Being confused I asked her what and I asked her what my results were, she said I was abnegation , dauntless, and erudite.At once I told her that's not possible, she responded with it's possible it's very rare, you cannot tell anybody about your results. Tell them to test your made you sick and I'm sending you home you've got a big decision to make tomorrow.

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