Dauntless Initiation

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I jumped, and I made it onto the train just in time.shortly after I'm on the train I realize that the trail cut off and if I didn't jump I would fall onto the ground and probably die.We arrive on the train and I talk to this new girl, she is a transfer from erudite. Her name is Elizabeth just like my candor test watcher. But that's not it jumping onto the train was just the beginning they started jumping off the train. That's what I almost lost it it was that or die so I jumped me and Elizabeth landed on the gravel scraped up but we lived. Our initiation instructor showed us to the very edge of the building and told us to jump.Even though I was scared I knew like how to do it at one point Elizabeth decided to go first, to be the first jumper, I was too scared but I went after her. I jumped off the ledge and I fell into a net. when I got down there I met a boy. He looks way older than me, other than he has in a couple of years.After all The initiates jumped, he introduced himself his name was Jack. He was going to be our initiation instructor.Then he gave us a tour of the Dauntless headquarters.Then he showed us where we will be sleeping until we come permanent members of dauntless. Then Jack told us a story. It was about a girl and she was divergent just like me she was a transfer abnegation just like me and she was weak just like me. A war broke out factions against factions.They told us that an erudite named Jeanine was behind it all. The girls name was Tris. She wanted to split up the factions.They said after she died the factions became one again. They said she fell in love with a boy named Four, Later to figure out that his real name was Tobias and that he was divergent to, Later to figure out that his real name was Tobias and that he was divergent too. They said that they will do anything to hunt down the divergent. I'm so scared what if they hurt me. But that's the least of my worries right now, my biggest worry is surviving initiation.

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