Chapter Ten

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"See you in court, dick eater." 

Even our lawyer grimaced uneasily as he sat my phone aside and cleared his throat, I quickly averted my eyes as he tried to shoot me a silent apology because even I knew it didn't really help my case much. Dad shook his head with disgust as Father quickly wrapped his arm around my father's shoulder and his finger tips lightly brushed my arm as a sign of comfort, and that's what I needed most. Our lawyer, Mr. Nelson Bright, was a pretty pudgy man with whiskers of grey hair on his mostly bald hair and a pair of brittle, honey-brown sunglasses framing his deep blue eyes. Deep blue eyes that were filled with sorrow for my situation. 

"I can use it but..." He didn't have to finish.

"But..." Dad pressed, slightly leaning forward as the agitation could be heard loud and clear in his voice. 

"But... there's a chance it won't sway the crowd, it works well for the restraining order but it doesn't really prove to be a hate crime." Mr. Bright spoke while reaching to grab a piece of paper to pass to my parents.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Father spoke up first through gritted teeth, glaring at the paper.

"If he had said more of a hateful homosexual slur... like, fag or-" Mr. Bright started but was quickly cut off.

"We get it." Dad said curtly. "Dick eater isn't offensive enough?" 

"To some it could be, to others... hm." Was Mr. Bright's response.

I remained completely silent through their conversation, bundled in a thick tan peacoat with a solid black hat atop of my thick locks of hair to keep my ears from catching frostbite. I hated the weather more than anything else in the world, one day can be so sunny and beautiful and the next could be like today, the wind was so chilled and crispy with soft flakes of snow littering the ground. It wasn't fair, why couldn't be sunny everyday so I could dress to impress like I used to. Used to... I quickly blinked three times to clear my throats that threatened to put me into a depressing state. 

It's been two days since Amber sent me the videos of Keshawn fucking her and showing the lawyer those videos had opened the old scars, it had also been two days since I've heard from Keshawn himself. He had gotten my parents then slipped out the door, and I hate to think he wasn't okay, he knew what he had done and it probably ate him to the core, and it should. It was nearly fifteen degrees outside, and the white snow had gotten to every crevasse of town, making it a blanket of white no matter which direction you looked, I liked it. 

"... on the twelfth, they're threatening to be countersuing for twelve hundred on the grounds of emotional distre-"

"Emotional distress!?" Dad yelped angrily, attempting to get to his feet but Father quickly grabbed him as Mr. Bright quickly pushed himself back from the table and out of Dad's reach. "We're the one who's been having emotional distress, my hair is falling out!"

"And we can add that to the lawsuit, Mr. Stamp, because that can be proof that you're having emotional distress and-"

"Shut up." Dad snapped with his hand blocking his view from our lawyer, who quickly snapped his mouth closed. "Just tell me what day we see the judge so we can get this shit over. I am so over everything!"

"O-Okay." Mr. Bright said, turning to his laptop he sat beside the stacks of paper on the long mahogany table that set in the center of the conference room. 

"We want this closest date." Father informed him, rubbing his forehead tiredly.

I was in distress myself as I watched Father expression from my own chair, this lawsuit was causing them just as much hell and stress that it was causing me, and I hated to see my parents so strung out. If I had never went to that party, they wouldn't be in this position and there's no telling how things would be right now. I was curious but right now wasn't the time to start fantasizing about the way things were supposed to be, but at least I knew my parents wouldn't be so wrung out.

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