Chapter Eight

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The sound of something hitting my window woke me up and I groaned as I slowly lifted my head and looked at the window, I looked at Keshawn as he lightly tapped the glass to keep my focus as I was still half asleep. I simply rolled over with my back towards him as he continued to rap his knuckle against the glass, I should of been nicer and let him in but I was so tired of being nice. Being nice had gotten me beat up, being nice had gotten me stabbed in the back, and being nice had gotten me disoriented. I was done being nice to people who didn't deserve it, and Amber was one of those people. I hadn't wanted to go to the party but Amber said she wanted me to becuase she would be going by herself, I was being nice going to that party. Even at the party, I was being nice because I was worried about her safety. 

Her safety had been more important than mine because I hadn't noticed Keshawn had slipped me something in my liquor, I hadn't care that I was being preyed on, I had cared about her. Yup, I was so done being nice. I closed my eyes with that in mind but they immediately shot back open as the sound of my window sliding up caused me to growl in my head, I forgot to lock the damn window. He quietly came inside and I continued to keep my back towards him as the bed dipped slightly from his weight as he threw his arm over my hip. 

He recked of alcohol and I slowly turned around to face him as he stared at me with a distant expression on his face, I stared at him as I looked at the lipstick smeared on his face. I leaned up and wiped it off his lip as he moved his face away from me and just continued to stare into space, I frowned while wiping my hand on my pajama shorts, only smearing the lipstick even more.

"Why are you here?" I asked as he smirked while stretching himself out on my bed, his hard length was very noticable in his sweatpants. "You need to leave."

"Shhh." Keshawn said, rolling towards me and attempting to kiss me. "You talking too much." He whispered with a slur.

"Stop, Keshawn." I slapped his hand away as he tried to continue his advances on me, from trying to give me a kiss on the lips to grabbing on my butt. "You need to go. You're drunk."

"No, I'm not." He whispered with a slurred chuckle. "I'm horny."

"I don't care, get out of my house." I said, crossing my arms over my chest while not amused with the fact that he was acting this way. "I'm grounded and your banned from being here."

"Why? What I do?" He said loudly in his slurred tone, causing me to quickly cup his mouth while listening to see if he woke Dad or Father.

His eyelids lowered slightly as his hand started to caress along my butt, pausing to wiggle his hand down the back and reach toward my hole, I grabbed his hand and knocked it away as he huffed in annoyance. I removed my hand from his mouth when I realized the coast was clear before glaring at him. 

"Please?" He asked in a whiny, quiet tone now. "I want it."

"No, get out, now." I said, pushing at him as he continued to not budge, making me roll my eyes extremely hard.

"You're so cute." He whispered, grabbing my hand and leaning close to peck along my jawline. "I love you."

"Will you cut it out." I huffed, pushing at his forehead to hold him at bay and it was cute the way he was acting, but also irritating. "You're breath stinks." 

Keshawn paused and tested his breath before chuckling and grabbing my butt eagerly, he licked his bottom lip hungrily as he grabbed both my wrist and pulled me closer carefully to make sure he doesn't hurt my cast leg. I glared at him as he bit his lip and started to grind himself up against my butt, and as enticing as it was, I was still very upset with him and disgusted about the fact that he been kissing some female. I looked closer at the smeared lipstick as that color dawned on me, it was a plum purple and there was only one person that I knew always wore plum purple anywhere they went... that stupid whore! I felt my anger surge as I grabbed Keshawn by his throat and forced him to look me in the yes, but his drunk ass was only getting more turned on as he groaned deep and I felt his dick jump with excitement. 

"Oh, you wanna take charge. Yeah, that shit hot as fuck, baby." Keshawn babbled, continuing to grind up against me. 

"You slept with Riley?" I asked, loosening my grip on him and grabbing the front of his tee.

"Why you worried about her? I'm trying to get deep inside you and you asking me about some other chi-"

"Did you sleep with Riley?" I asked, glaring harder as I swatted his hands off my hips and waited for an answer.

"I don't remember, I'm drunk." He said in an honest tone, cocking his head as he put his hands back on my hips and started trying to lift my shirt.

I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pushed down to keep it in place as Keshawn made an irritated sound, then pouted up at me as he sucked his bottom lip in his mouth and sat up so our face were only inches apart. I knew I wasn't going to get any answers out of him right now, he had probably downed two entire bottles of Jack from the smell of his breath, it was so strong and potent, making my stomach curl in disgust. 

"Well, I'm going to bed." I told him, sliding off his waist as he huffed in his whiny tone again.

"Noooo." He whined, pouting cutely as I slid on my stomach and turned my head away from him on my pillow.

He slid his hand up my back before working it down into the back of pajamas again and I reached back to remove his hand, he was faster and grabbed my hand to move it to the big tent in his sweatpants. I moved my hand away as he worked on himself while fighting with me to get his fingers near my hole, the wrestling was intoxicating to me, as well as arousing as I fought the hardening happening to me with deep breaths. 

"I'll eat it." He whispered in my ear, making me pause my fighting as he nibbled on the outside of my ear.

"Eat what?" I asked, lifting my head as eagerness rushed through me, I hope he's talking about what I'm thinking he's talking about. 

"I'll eat your ass, baby. I'm so damn horny, my dick hard as a rock." He whined, and I looked and sure enough, he was sticking straight up, even through his sweatpants. 

I couldn't help but want to take advantage of this willing moment of him, he wanted to do this for me and I was more than ready to have him try it out as I meet his eyes before raising to my hands and knees as he quickly rushed to get behind me. I reached back and started to slowly lower my pajama shorts but he quickly yanked them the rest of the way before his face dove forward. I gasped as his tongue skillfully went to work, I tensed slightly from his lapping as he spread my cheeks before digging his tongue deeper inside of my butt, and it was bliss. I pushed back against his tongue while reaching down and grabbing ahold of myself.

This is for my benefit, not his. This is for my benefit, not his. This is for my benefit, not his. This is for my benefit, not his. I constantly reminded myself as I wiggled my butt a little while he gently smacked my left cheek before cupping it in his hand and wiggling his tongue around my hole. I buried my face in my pillow just in time as a pleasured squeal nearly woke up the house, I started to jack myself as he pulled back and lined himself up with my hole. I didn't even hesitate as I pushed back on his fat head, it entered with resistance and a sharp jab of pain but it quickly subsided as Keshawn groaned and cupped my right cheek next. 

He held my butt cheeks apart before moving in and out at a fast, drunken pace. It was pure bliss, he was working his magic as I laid with my face down and my ass up, at his full will to do as he please as he stroked himself in and out of me. I threw my ass back against him, I could feel it jiggling every time he slammed inside me and he clearly was enjoying the view as he worked on slapping my left cheek, then he'd slap my right before moving back to my left cheek.

"Sexy, so fucking sexy, baby." Keshawn whispered, quickening his pace.

"Fuck me, Daddy." I moaned, deep in pleasure as he did as I requested, he grounded deep in me and pounded away.

I welcomed every thrust as the bed rocked heavily, squeaking loudly and I was silently praying it didn't wake my parents as I took his hard thrust, I felt my cock jerk and jets of cum sprung seconds later, all below me as Keshawn stiffened and nutted only seconds later, filling me up. I glanced at the clock to see it was only three minutes passed midnight, I turned to look at Keshawn, who had plopped down beside me and was already sleep. I shook my head at him as I laid back as well and thought about the lipstick on his face, Riley had probably tired to get Keshawn to have sex with her, if he actually hadn't done it already. I wanted answers and I was definitely going to get them when Keshawn was sober in the morning.

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