Chapter Seven

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Me... that's who. I blinked curiously a few times as Dad fanned his face, looking oddly close to fainting on the spot as the doctor took a few pictures through the machine then unplugged the machine. 

"You sure your machin-" Keshawn started.

"We got this machine only a week ago, it's not faulty." Dr. Parker immediately replied before Keshawn could finish... making me blink curiously once again.

"He's a fucking guy." Keshawn emphasized, holding his hand out in my direction to make a further point.

"I understand that you guys are confused... even I'm left in shock about this, but this next advice I'm going to give you is for Eli's own benefit, not yours. It's possible, that was discovered only years ago that some men have recessive reproductive genes, a very small percentage, like .7%." Dr. Parker said, making my mouth drop open in shock... so I'm not the only man that's possibly pregnant?

"Why isn't that shit all over the news?" Keshawn asked, obviously irritated with Dr. Parker's laid back demeanor about the entire ordeal.

"Why would it be, Sir? Would you really want society to know that .7% our of even 100 men can get pregnant?" Dr. Parker replied with a raised eyebrow, an what he said made sense to me.

"So what are you guys going to do? Take him to lab and stick my baby with a hundred damn needles a day a-"

"No, Eli's free to handle his pregnancy however he wants." Dr. Parker said, staring me dead in the eye because anything that happened next was my decision. "And with that being said, the chance of survival of that child is only .18% inside the male's carrying womb." 

"Cut all that point shit out." Keshawn said angirly, his grip on my hand tightening and I quickly grabbed him to calm him down. "We need to terminate it! Get rid of i-"

"Keshawn!" I gasped at him in shock, in complete disbelief that he had seriously said something like that. 

"We're not going to terminate anything." Dad said, dismissing Keshawn as he turned to Dr. Parker. "What are the chances of that child making it?"

"There is no chance, most of them die after implantation." Dr. Parker informed me. "However, in Eli's case, he's five months into pregnancy. Perhaps he got ahold of something that triggered his body to protect the child instead of fight it."

I paused while trying to think what I could of gotten ahold of, I was curious about that night of the party, if I was five months and it's been five months since the party incident where Daniel had beat me up... they had to be linked. I gasped as I continued the two and looked at Keshawn, that night he had drugged me with something, I remember vaguely what else happened but I knew for sure that I had been drugged. I kept my mouth shut, not wanting Keshawn to get in trouble by the doctor or my Dad about what he did to me but I was definitely going to bring it up later. I took a heavy breath to calm my raging nerves, I couldn't believe this... I'm pregnant? I'm seriously pregnant?! It made sense, it all made sense now. 

"Something like what?" Dad pressured as I slowly sat up, staring at the clean white wall before me.

"Many drugs that cause those type of situations usually come from the black market, but are also sold through cartel in Mexico. There's no tell what it ocudl of been that he might of gotten ahold o-"

"Black market!?" Dad said in shock, shaking his head as he turned to look at me.

I immediately shook my head and I badly wanted to tell Dad what really was going on but I refuse to throw Keshawn under the bus, I couldn't do that to him. I clutched Keshawn's hand as he shook his head before yanking it away from me, I felt cold settle in my chest as I looked at him wearily. He rubbed his face while turning his back to us in thought, he seemed to be arguing with himself as I looked at the doctor, my eyes were blurry once more as I reached up and wiped a stray tear that slowly trailed down my face.

LOSER, AGAIN!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें