"Karev, sit," Renee snapped at the young intern who seemed very desperate to see what was going on.

"I can't see,"

"The only thing I want you to do is to sit at that fetal monitor and watch that baby's heartbeat." Addison snapped.

"So now I'm a baby-sitter?"

"Yes, you are a baby sitter, nothing more, you have a single job, watch the damn baby monitor," Addison and Derek looked at the frustrated attending.

"Cheif pressure's bottoming out," Renee said after Burke told them about the lungs condition.

"There's too much bleeding, she'll never last. Shepherd?" Richard.

"Damage control," 

"Addison? Renee?" 

"If you want the baby to live," 

"Damage control," 


"Damage control," 

"Everyone knows the rules. We're gonna move as rapidly as possible. Don't worry about finishing the repairs. For now, we're on crisis management people, just get it done. Once she reaches the triangle, we stop. No exceptions,"

"Why's he talking about a triangle? What triangle?"

"Blood stops clotting, her muscles produce acid and her organs get cold,"

"You're talking about the triangle of death?"

"Systolic's 82, folks. Not getting any better, Cheif," Renee said  

"How's the spleen, Chief?" Bailey asked.

"Unsalvageable, I'm afraid," 


"Frequent decels and loss of variability,"

"The baby's fading," Addison said.

"PH is down 7.1. Core temp 93 degrees," Renee said. 

"Ok, we've reached the triangle, people. Hands out." Richard said.

"Still oozing," Bailey commented.

"We're not trying for perfection people,"

"Just give me a second. 

"Hands out! Damn it, stop! Everybody stop!" 

"Cristina, let it go." 

"Slow. Erratic. But it's a heartbeat," Renee said a little relieved.

"Baby's holding steady," Addison said. 

"Bring out the plastic" Burke said to one of the nurses.

"Plastic? We're not going to close?" Christina questioned. 

"No. We're going to keep her open," Bailey said. 

"Cover her with plastic, and get her to the ICU," Renee said as she sighed. 

"And then what?" Alex asked.

"And then we're gonna see if she survives."

"I broke up with Meredith," 

"You did? Why?" Renee asked as he sat beside her.

"I said that she gets around," Derek said as he puts his head in his hands.

"You called her a whore? What were you thinking, Derek?"

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