earthen princess

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i. the sun exhales on my mocha-colored skin and the gentle heat grazes up and down my body. pockets of light dance around on the drying grass, like bursts of affection being sent from above. just for today, i imagine that the earth is my throne and the sunshine is my crown.

ii. the sky above me is an ocean with tides of puffy white interrupting the stillness of cerulean blue. each one lazily passes me by, the only indication that time is still moving while i am not. a cool breeze kisses me every now and then, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

iii. a little further away, the vibrant sound of children laughing rings in my ear. the patter of their footsteps and the melody of their squeals puts a euphoric smile on my face as i spot them blowing bubbles. millions of tiny ones float in the air and a few even come my way, clear from one angle and iridescent the next as i peer at the rainbows trapped inside them. childish excitement seizes me for a moment as i happily pop each and every one.

iv. it's now noon and the day has gotten increasingly warmer while the sun has ascended further away from the horizon, a ball of gold suspended in mid-air, caught in the sky's embrace. in this picture-perfect moment, the only thing i truly feel is peace and tranquility.

the simple allure of a summer's day

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