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A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

Hello and welcome!

Over the years, I've published many books of poetry, but I've always taken them down for two reasons: either I think that they're not good enough to be read by others or I'm afraid that people will plagiarize them. However, I'm going to give this one more shot and see what happens.

I really hope you all enjoy this book. I pour my heart and soul into my poetry, so please be gentle with your judgement.



This is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual people/events is entirely coincidental. All characters, settings, and ideas are mine. And stealing someone else's work is a crime. I do not take kindly to plagiarism, so please do not copy.

I cannot stress this enough: I take this issue very seriously. I'm especially protective of my poems because they are my innermost thoughts and no one should take other people's thoughts. Choosing to share my poetry again was a difficult decision to make and I will take them down if I see anyone attempting to plagiarize (any of my books, for that matter). This is your only warning.



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