BTS FF: Unravel Me- ep.12

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"7 what?"

You wake up to an empty bed, confused and still kinda sore from last nights prior events you try to get up until there was a knock at the door. You, startled- and said, "huh!?" as you see a sweetly smiling taehyung come in with a tray full of breakfast, water, orange juice, and some tylenol. You were confused so you asked him, "tylenol?" you looked into his brown eyes and he starts turning a little red, and chuckles, with his big box smile, "me and jungkook heard what was 'going on' last night~" you sat their in a fiery blush of embarrasment. 

"You guys did- huh? hahaa-" you say avoiding eye contact and completely forgot all about how yoongi confessed- fuck

you cursed yourself and rub your temples as he looks at you mentally scolding yourself and shakes his head in awe. "sweet pea- you think we all dont know? huh?" he mumbles and chuckles lightly, you obviously couldnt hear him, because of your mentally screaming head voice.

"here, let me help you to the bath, and then you can have your breakfast."  he says as you grab 2 pills and gulp it down with your water then you sigh, and start waddling your way to taehyung as he being way larger than you, with his huge hands lifted you up like a twig. 

He carries you in bridal style, and you notice your not even wearing any clothes and you gasped.

He chuckled, and said "it isnt like this is something we havent seen before remember? What happened to that day when you were proudly walking around the house dragging out a dead guy?" he smirked as he placed you on the bathroom counter. You reply shyly, "ehrm, i-i- uhm didnt have these- uhm fe-" you stop ubruptly and realise, 


Taehyung then asks curiously, wanting her to say it aloud, what he and the other knew. "what?" he says staring her down trying to pry it out of her.. But she noticed and she wont budge. 

"nothing." she says bluntly and he sighs and lifts her up after setting the water up, making sure its warm. Then placing her in it, handing her a loofa and soup and watches her bathe. "euh- tae.. your gonna be here? while i bathe?" He chuckles and shakes his head no and says 'call me if you need anything..' and you afterward heard a mumble from the other room as he was walking out, "and- i mean ANYTHING."


After about 35 mins she gets out the tubs dries off, and starts feeling a hecka amount better. She wraps a towel around her body and checks the time, its 8 o'clock and our flight leaves at 3:30. So we gotta hustle if we are going to make our flight. 

You quickly get changed and eat your breakfast as you add some light make up and grab a mask. Leaving it on your dresser.

 Leaving it on your dresser

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▪︎Unravel Me~ ▪︎BTS FF: 16+Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang