Delphine chapter 11

Começar do início

I made my way over to the computer wall, lined with our Techies and computers. I still had to give them the info. They were busy doing computer stuff (I will never understand a computer). I walked over to a friend of mine, Antonia (or 'Ant') and gave her my memory stick. She nodded, and even offered a smile as she slotted it into the computer. Weird things were happening: Ant was smiling. She waved me away, but didn't need to because I was pushed back by all the other Techies swarming around her monitor to get a look at the info, or some sort of security code that was guarding it. Again, I will never understand a computer.

I smile to myself as I sift through the people in the crowd. I was going no where in particular when I bumped into Gabrielle. He smiled and pulled me aside and out of the room to the tunnels so we could talk away from the noise.

“Hey, congratz man! Beat us all to the prize!” he joked whilst wiggling his eyebrows. I ignored his remark and ploughed ahead with my own question.

“So, what now? I know most of the Angels are needed else ware now that the initial reason for the undercover work is either in our computers or-” I decided to add for good measure, “Melted in a fire.”

Gabrielle shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, indicating he didn't know.

“All I know is that security will be tightened.” He replied slowly, thinking about it.

I realised I didn't even know his name, and it was about time I asked.

“Hey, um, this mat be an awkward question, but what id your name? I've kinda just been calling you Gabrielle in my head.” I asked embarrassedly.

He just chuckled and said, “That is my name, Delphine.”

Oh. “Oh, I thought that was your undercover name. Ha ha , silly me!” I said, trying to not make a fool of myself by laughing it off.

He just smiled, and asked , “How old are you?”

I shrugged and decided to tell him the truth. He saved my life after all. “Old enough: it was 3 years since I was 15, so you do the maths” A playful smile flitted across my lips by the last part, and I moved to go back to the main room thinking this was my cue to leave. A muscled arm blocked my way.

“Oi, not so fast! I haven't asked you what I wanted to ask you yet.” Gabrielle pleaded.

Eager to join the party, I raised my eyebrows expectantly at him. He leaned against the wall and asked confidently, “What did he want?”.

I knew instantly who he was talking about: the Blue general.

I wasn't about to tell someone who I didn't know very well my entire history. I haven't trusted anyone but Eagle and Ant in 3 years.

Not wanting to say this out loud and be rude, I simply asked, “Nothing you need to concern yourself with.”

I put on my coldest stare and made my way back to the main room. I sensed him move behind me, so I added, “Make a grab for me and you'll be on you ass before you can blink.”

Pretty sure that was clear enough: I know scream 'Don't touch me! Damaged goods! Afraid of intimacy! Fun to chase after and 'fix''. Great. Exactly the message I was looking for. Just what I wanted. Couldn't have phrased it any better.

Definitely going overboard with the sarcasm, Delphie.

I wanted to socialise with my colleagues, but my mind was on other subjects. Why Andrew? What was wrong with Dan? There must be a reason. Maybe he was dead, or injured or something that would make the general not want to employ him. How could I have been so stupid as to think that Blue didn't know he existed? They have everyone's files. The general knew his Dad. He would know he had twins.

But wait. The general didn't have his files. That was good because it meant he was either alive and in hiding or dead and his body hadn't been discovered. I almost choked at that. No. Andrew was alive. That was my belief until someone who knew better came and smacked me around the face and told me I was delusional. But as far as I'm concerned, that hasn't happened yet.

Blue was looking for Andrew. Two could play that game. I'd completed my mission: everyone was happy. Eagle wouldn't mind if I went out for a few weeks. And if she did, well, there are other ways of getting out of this place than may seem. I walked to Eagle and asked for a few weeks of leave. I told her there were things I had to do. I emphasised the 'had'. Eagle knew there was no point arguing with me: I would get out eventually. She let me go.

Also I think she may have been a tiny bit drunk.

I walked along the wooden plank and thought. It was all happening very quickly. All these years and suddenly everything has to start happening now. Bad sign, my body told me. Bad things come when things go quickly. Like you only just find someone who you only realise later is the possible love of your life and then suddenly: Bam! Gone. Everything. Chaos. Dangerous living. Training. Living. Training. Livingtraininglivingtraining.....

And then it starts again and Bam! You're back to your room packing your bags. Ready to leave. Thinking about how things have gone quickly.

Its quite amazing how little I managed to accumulate over the years. Next to nothing. It all fit into a backpack.

I looked around my room one last time. Breathed its mouldy yet comforting scent in one more time. Made my bed one last time.

Who am I kidding? Was I really coming back here? To this? It was worth it. True. I told Eagle I would come back. True. Fighting for freedom was more important. True. Not coming back would brake all the rules I built around myself to protect me over the years. True. Not coming back would be completely and utterly selfish. True. Despite all these reasons, I'm following my heart by saying coming back here would be a mistake. True.

The ResistanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora