Chapter 6 - "The thing called love..."

Start from the beginning


Though I am looking out of the car window my whole attention is concentrated on Nandini. After getting in the car she has not uttered a single question. Here I am dying to hear her voice. I steal a glance from the corner of my eye and find she is even looking at me. Both get embarrassed and give the stupidest smile ever.

"How did you know about my accident?"

I finally decide to break the silence. She adjusts on the seat crossing her legs. Seems she was expecting this question for a long.

"Some person called me from the accident spot. He only told that you are admitted in this hospital."

Her voice is flat still I feel the gratitude for that person. Nandini opens her bag and fishes out my phone.

"He called the last dialled number and it was mine..."

Did she say 'Thankfully' or I am having an auditory hallucination?

"And you came here to rescue me?"

My tongue again revolts. She glances at the driver consciously and frowns at me.

"We can talk about it later, now, can you direct him to your home. We are almost there according to the google map but it will be easier for him if you show the way."

I huff and recline on the comfortable car seat after instructing the driver, though we are very close to my house.


After taking 2-3 sharp turns our car finally stops in front of a small one-storied house. Manik gets down gesturing me to follow him. Amidst some hesitance, I get off too.

" will be a nice opportunity to know the identity of that girl Mukti..."

My ever teasing Inner Goddess shows thumps up at me. However, I notice Manik standing in front of the closed door with a flummoxed face. I come near to him.

"What happened? Is everything alright?"

I ask but before he replies my eyes fall on the door lock. It is closed from outside. That means nobody is inside. I bite my lips. Suddenly Manik takes out his wallet and fishes out a key.

"Thank God, someone didn't sneak inside my pocket during my blackout phase..."

He gives his ever-charming smile and opens the door. We finally get in. It is a small yet beautiful house. His architectural aesthetic sense is everywhere. My eyes roam around with adulation.


His voice breaks my trance. I nod in denial.

"Don't be so sit...don't exhaust yourself."

I advise and like a familiar guest sink into a sofa. Manik purses his lips and occupies another.

"You live alone? Nobody lives with you."

At last, my curious mind can't control. He wobbles in negative.

"I live with my sister..."

As further he can proceed my over curious mind and my impulsive tongue spurts,

" your sister?"

His brows furrow but gradually his curved lips replace it. A very known mischievous smile beams in his eyes.

" that is the reason for your insolence..."

I squint my eyes at his words. He ignores rather continues with an equal nonchalant tone.

"Of course you were insolent to me...otherwise, you didn't say that you don't like me...there is nothing happened between us...but ironically you came to the hospital to see me...rather you went there to care for me, to get me at my home safely. And you have done all these things because you like me...more over you started loving me. I saw tears in your eyes as the same I saw jealousy in it when Ayesha was ogling me (He again smirks...MONSTER). Now you are being insecure of a name, Mukti...who is just a good friend of mine. And now your heart sighed a relief hearing this. Care to explain Ms Boss, what are all these feelings which are driving you so much crazy that you are behaving like a paradox who herself is contradicting her words by her action?"

He perfectly postmortems my emotions with a virile and intense tone. I forget to blink my eyes. It is uncomfortable and perilous to be exposed like this. My throat is dry and my heartbeat is racing like a maglev train. His brown orbs are penetrating. He slowly gets up and approaches my seat. My limbs are not supporting me at all. I only observe him sitting beside me with wide-open eyes. He budges at me and again says,

"What happened Ms Murthy? Say something...I gave you such a lengthy least I deserve a positive answer."

He decreases the distance. Now I can feel his warm breath on my face. He eyes my lips and scoots forward more. Suddenly my conscience nudges me and I spring up from the sofa.

"I have to take rest and take the medicine in time....I will see you at the office."

I somehow manage to utter and is about to move when he grabs my wrist and yanks me with decent force making me land on his hard chest.

"Don't spoil it...not today...I won't let you go without an answer...So tell me, Ms Nandini Murthy, do you love me? I will leave you after whatever your answer would be..."

He susurrates against my ear. Our faces are an inch apart.

Author's note: The lines in bold and Italic are the thought of the character. Plz do inline comments.🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️

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