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I open my twitter app as i open my direct messages to Zayn. I still can't believe Niall had me a date with him. It's all just a drea.

Me: Can't wait for our date sweets ;)

Me: Love you lots.

I keep staring for a while at my messages for a while, just smiling. I've access to Zayn Malik, and a date with him.

Zayn Malik: Hold on, What date?

Zayn Malik: Dont tell anyone i'm online.


Me: I won't i promise.

Me: About the date ask Niall.

Zayn Malik: I'm sorry just hold on. Don't go anywhere.

Me: Omg, Okay.

When Zayn Malik says to hold on, I better freaking hold on. I keep staring at my phone waiting for Zayn to reply.

I feel my phone madly buzzing, as i look to find text from Niall. Oops.

Niall_Horan13: Fucking hell, you told Zayn.

Niall_Horan13: You should have waited till i did.

Niall_Horan13: Now he's a hella of a bonfire. God Skylar.

Me: relax Blonde. He won't be once he sees me, nobody could resist Skylar's spark.

Niall_Horan13: Be serious for once in your life!

Me: Oh Niall, Poor Poor Niall. You won't resist my spark, cause i'm fabulous. Yaah.

Niall_Horan13: God, you're crazy.

Me: But you like it Loca, Locaa.

Niall_Horan13: Now you're Shakira!! I want Sky.

Me: I'm a Gypsy, i could steal your cloth and wear them if they fit me. Nananaah.

Niall_Horan13: SHUT UP SHAKIRA.

Niall_Horan13: Brb, Zayn is gone crazy.

Me: keep my baby safe for me.

I lock my phone as i take a sip of my drink. Ed invited to come see him at work and after he finishes his shit we'll go out for dinner. I learned that he has a crush on a girl. And that girl isn't me. Ed isn't the type of guy i would date;not cause i knew he likes someone, I just fell like it's better having him around as a friend. At least i'm being more socialable then i used to be.

I feel the buzzing of my phone as  i look to find a notification from Twitter. I slide my phone open as i open twitter and to the direct messages.

Zayn Malik: Hey, don't get me wrong but you just know when i get back i've to be with Perrie. Idk what to do.

Zayn Malik: Want to join our date? if you had like.

Me: Omg. Omg. Of course, a Zerrie date is what i've been waiting for. God.

Zayn Malik: Great :) Niall will text you the details.

Zayn Malik: He's also telling me to tell ask if he could join us as well?

Me: Do you want him there?

Zayn Malik: I kinda wanna play revenge on him, but seems like that's his revenge for what we done. So, if we hadn't told him where we are, Oh he'll fine us.

Me: Hahahha, Fine. Let him come, i'll find a way to do a revenge.

Zayn Malik: Said it before and saying it again. Skylar you're the best.

Me: OMFGG! That gets me every time. I freaking love you mann ♡.

Zayn Malik: Haha. Love you too. See you soon.

I exist from twitter as i open Kik, Niall have been going crazy texting me. Sometimes i wish i never meet him, cause of all the texting he does, especially when he is bored. But again, i wouldn't slightly have a life if it wasn't for him.

Niall_Horan13: Could i come please, please?

Me: Yeah sure, why not!

Niall_Horan13: Yayy, Yasss.

Niall_Horan13: wanna hear something exciting?

Me: Sure, just no jokes.

Niall_Horan13: Ahahha. No. We're gonna be back in London in 7 days counting today.

Niall_Horan13: that means I'm seeing you soon.


Niall_Horan13: what about me? Aren't you excited for me as well?

Me: I'm I'm. But come on it's Zaynnnn.

Niall_Horan13: I know. Can't wait to meet you.

Me: Me too, Love. Me too.

Me: Change your name to something shorter.

Niall_Horan13: Like what Niall is short enough?

Me: Oh no, haha. I meant on Kik. You know just instead of Niall_Horan13.

Niall_Horan13: Ahahh. Ok. Hold on.

Blonde: You like that now?

Me: Hahahha. It fits you bae.

Blonde: Ha-Ha. Btw How is your hand now?

Me: It feels better. A lot better tho, thinking of taking the cast off earlier.

Blonde: Just dont do anything u might regret.

Me: You're describing my whole life. Hahaha.

Blonde: Lol, Where are you now?

Me: Starbucks, watching Ed work.

Blonde: Aha. Ed. Tell him i said Hi.

Me: Will do so. Hold on.

"Ed, Ed" I say, waving at him to grab his attention. As he sees me and nods walking towards me.

"Something wrong, Skylar?" He asks.

"Niall says Hi." I smile as he smirks.

"I say Hi back, and we're meeting soon."

"Wait, you knew he was coming soon?" I ask, furrowing my brow.

"Yeah" He says as someone calls his name "I'm sorry, i have to get back to work." I nod as he walks away.

Me: He says Hi back. And wtf you told Ed before me u were coming soon?

Niall: Yeah.

Me: But i'm ur Dark

Niall: That makes us even.

Me: Whaaat? Even for what?

Niall: Nothing, go to run. Bye.

Me: Ughh. Fine. Bye.

Heyy, Im backkkk. Yay.

I missed you all so much.

Sorry  for the long time. Just personal issues prevented me from being here.

But i missed you all.

OFTD: How have you all been?

Thank you all ♡

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