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Me: Scarrlet, its been a day!! What happened????

Me: Scarrlet plz i feel gulity!  i have done this to u

Me: plz talk to meee!

Me: if u dont answer back i'll be on the first plan back and find u!!

Me: why did u change ur username to deadd???

Me: plzz dont leave me!

Dead: shut up blonde bitch!

Dead: im not dead yet! u cant get rid of me!

Dead: could u still come by tho ;)

Dead: its not ur fault Niall, i promise.

Dead: i was crying and my vision blurred.

Me: Ohhhh my goddd! Thank god ur okayyy

Me: im happy ur backk!

Me: what happened to you?  injuries?

Dead: i thought my hand was bleeding turns out it was my head and also my left arm broke.

Dead: I was tired af to answer ur text yesterday!

Me: that's okay, im just happy ur alive.

Dead: idk niall. Im so sad and scarred!

Me: relax plzz, look i will send u someone to give u company!!

Me: He is my best bud. He is sweet and so and i hope he makes u feel safe just until i get there!

Dead: is he cute?

Me: yes and single too!

Dead: okay! then im im. Thanks Ni.

Me: Np!

Me: so wanna tell me why u wanted to be bird?

Me: and change ur username also!!!

Dead: ughhh! Do i have too???

Me: u got no other choice!!!

Dead: sighs! Fine!

Happy: now!

Me: Ahhahah! i see what u did there xD

Happy:im a genius!

Me: yes u are. Stop trying to change the subject and focus! tell me.

Happy: ........

Happy: i wanted to be a bird so i could travel to my mom.

Happy: she died from liver cancer since we were 3.

Happy: i just miss her so much and i wanted to go back to her.

Happy: she left to heaven and i wanted too.

Me: Scarrlet i'm so sorry for ur lose.

Me: She is in a better place now.

Me: she is surely in heaven, watching over u and she never want to see u sad

Happy: u know that's what i hate about telling people

Happy: they all try to confront you even when it's awkward

Happy: i just want someone to hit me with "We're all going to die, so move on and live ur life till u die"

Me: We're all going to die someday Skylar.

Happy: geeh thanks phoney!

Me: No problem.

Me: im hurt u were thinking this way when u were only just 3

Happy: well it's just life :)

Me: did u ever have a good childhood?

Happy: till age 4 nope. But after i grow up and kinda started acting like a kid. yeah i didnt work out.

Me: Well when i come back i'll make u re-live ur childhood. The one u deserve!

Happy: Yayyy! Thank u can't wait Ni!

Happy: now about ur friend, How old is he, name, and picture plz!

Me: His name is Ed and he is 21. Let me find a picture of him

Happy: omggggg is he Ed Sheeren?????

Me: No he is Ed Henry. 

Happy: Woow. So i had to share in the first Ed and now i have to Hurry in for the second one. ahahahhaha

Me: _I_

Me: Fuck u!

Happy: i know u want too ;)

Happy: now bitch send me a picture of himmm!!

Me: New picture message.


Me: rule no 1: u cant date him

Me: rule no 2: u cant sleep with him

Me: he is just there to keep u company!

Happy: u can't tell me what to do bitch!

Me: oh yeah! i could just not call him and u wont see him!

Happy: ughhhhh! i hate u. FINE!

Happy: could i at least be friends with him? pweaseeeeeee

Me: yeah of course.  Where do u wanna meet up, and what time?

Happy: Starbuck, and at 7.

Me: okay great. I will text him now

Happy: zank u zo much Ziall ♤

Me: no problem, Z :)

its kinda short but hey at least we got to know Skylar is okayyayyayayay!

I always Write Scarrlet instead of Skylar and i have to go back erase it and write Skylar instead!! so if u find a Scarrlet it's another major character in my Story "Change my mind." so sowwwy for the mess up between themmm.

I love u all.

There's a picture by the side or up, for Niall and Logan Lerman who plays Ed.

New cover here, made it myself! What u zink??

Hope u enjoyed.

Thanks for passing by.

Hope u enjoyed ur stay at Likeitmatters's story ;)

See u later. Btw we also got food xD

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