Twenty Two

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Me: Hey love

Me: So um now that we sort of went on a date or idk what it was

Me: I want to ask you something...

Niall: Of course, anything.

Me: Could you send me nudes NOW?

Niall: BYE.

Me: Ugh. It was worth the try tho.

Me: Anyways.. Well, i was wondering

Niall: Yeah?

Me: Well plan B is to ask Zayn if he would send me his nudes, no pressure.

Niall: Seriously BYEEEE.

Me: Fine. I got to go anyway, Ed is going crazy cuz i have been on a 5 min break for 15 mins.

Niall: hahahahhaha. U should quit, I will pay for all ur needs.

Me: for Tampons also?

Niall: Yeah, u need it then why not.

Me: Nah bitch, i don't need your money. I just need you.

Niall: Ohhh, this is so cute. I need you too.

Me: I know. I seriously gtg, Be here soon so i could have another 5 min break.

Niall: I'm on my way, Louis is dropping me off.

Me: Good good.

"Skylar, i swear i will fire you if you don't start working soon." Ed shouts as i sigh.

"Save your voice lover boy, i was coming anyways." I say as i walk to the cafe machine. "By the way, Niall is on his way. So get your ears ready."

"Alright. Well, i'm confused. How are you talking? What did i miss?" He asks.

"Well, Niall came to the dorms and sang down my window like Romeo. It was magical, and i ran down into his arms. And it all happened from here." I say as he starts laughing.

"You're lying. You probably would throw him with a bucket of water." He laughs. "So not you to be that romantic."

"Yeah true that." I smirk. "But i was romantic, i made him cry at the movies. He ran out and i ran after him."

"Yup, and that's you." He laughs. "Well, im happy for you both."

"Thanks. Same with you and Iris."

"Yeah, it's going to be sad to watch you quit work." He sighs. "It was great having you here."

"Hold up bitch, Who said anything about quiting? I'm okay here, like i get free drinks and some on you. So why should i?" I ask.

"Well, since now that Niall and you sort of started dating so i don't think he would like to have a girlfriend who works at Starbucks."

"Well, that's who i'm. He better take it or leave it."

"Like the attitude." He laughs. "Get to work."

"I'm working dumbass." I tease him as he laughs.


Niall: Ayy, Im outside.

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