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It's a quite night, everyone sleeping of course except for me. I just dont get it how could people sleep at night ignoring the beauty of the night?

I hear my phone start buzzing as I reach for it and unplug it from the charge.

Logan: yo mah main bitch

Me: sup asshole?

Me: Im not yah bitch bruh, ur bitch is sleeping on her bed beside me!

Me: she snores af!

Logan: Bae plz be nice to her! she was mad as hell from u today!

Me: ask me if a give a mother fucker!

Logan: u have too since she's gonna be ur sister in law

Me: eh, I rather die than being nice! especially to her.

Logan: okay, Skylar what's gonna take for you to treat her nice?

Me: u know me so good bro.

Me: Get her out of my room and I will be nice!

Logan: I don't think I could do so!

Logan: pick something else!

Me: *Sighs* Fine!

Me: Give me ur car! Forever!

Logan: if I did will u honestly be nice to her and hangout with her?

Me: Dont push it Log! Just nice! I dont like her or her pets. It's gonna kill me enough to be N....I..C...E!

Logan: Fine! U coming 2maroo?

Me: Where?

Logan: Bitch! to my football game! ya forgot?

Me: oh nah, I didnt! sure I will be there!

Logan: Liar! be there at 5! I'll give u the car! Im getting a new one anyways!

Me: ur rich af and im broke af! how are we even siblings? But brah we're really special!

Logan: yeah bitch, just because we're twins.

Me: We're not twins babe xD

Logan: yeah we are stupid! if the fucking ass u r didnt fall senior year, u would be same year of college like me!

Me: ahha. Now I remember, I failed on propose so I fucking dont be with yah! Im too cute to be ur twins bitch!

Logan: Ur such a werido, one mintue u love me and the other im ur worse enemy! Geez make up ur mind Women!

Logan: Gotta run, got practice! Bye asshole

Me: ur not Zayn malik, therefore I wont love u!

Me: Stupid sport peeps, practicing at fucking 3 am! Damn, u going no where in life! Bye loser!

Logan: yeah right! Said the senior failure!

Me: Whateves.

I plug back my phone into the charger and start looking around the dorm. Boring af. Hiedi snoring so loud that I want to shout her. What to do at 3 am?

Think Skylar! Think!

Now I know, Nothing better to do than night sneaking to Mcdonalds.

I unplug my phone and slowly tip toeing, as I reach to the door and closing the door behind me. I don't want to wake Hiedi and have her give me a lecture about sneaking is wrong. Like wtf women. Im 19 not your twelve year old kid.


"One Big mac beef, combo medium please" I smile.


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